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Title Match: Berkovits, Rav Yitzchak
Berkovits, Rav Yitzchak on  aishAudio
Berkovits, Rav Yitzchak Rav Yitzchak Berkovits, founder and director of The Jerusalem Kollel (, is a widely respected authority on Halachah and well known for his telephone tapes on Shmiras Halashon. He is well known as a teacher and lecturer throughout Jerusalem and was ordained at the Mirrer Yeshiva, Jerusalem.
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BY 349 D

Mazel Tov! Another couple is getting married. So what are your halachic obligations on behalf of this chosson and kallah? Must we attend every wedding we're invited to? Rav Berkovits presents with meticulous clarity the extent we should share in the joyous occasions of our friends and family.

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BY 349 E

The neshama of the deceased hovers over its family members as they sit for seven days after internment - waiting to be comforted by them. Isn't it hard to believe that a deceased soul can benefit from the consolation of a flesh and blood living people? Rav Berkowitz traces the post-mortem period from burial to the end of shiva, including the laws, customs and the proper attitudes and sensitivities of all involved. Learn how to truly honor a dear departed soul after it has finished its term of duty in this world.

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BY 349 F
The Jewish nation is held responsible for inappropriately flattering King Agrippa. According to Rabeinu Yonah, one must sacrifice his life before violating chanufah. May a degenerate ever be honored for his good deeds? May an intermarried Jew be honored for his generosity? This important subject is fully elucidated in this important lecture.
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BY 349 G
Nobody likes a 'sneak'. So how does that translate into the topic of deceit? If you give someone a gift and he thinks it's more valuable than it really is, must you say so? If someone thinks you did him a big favor, must you let him know the truth? Can you deceive a friend for his benefit? In this informed lecture, Rav Berkovits shares another set of practical halachos to keep interpersonal relationships at their highest level.
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BY 349 H
Resenting another person silently without approaching him is more harmful than outright animosity. Learn the principles behind this and what specific feelings you need to communicate after another person has hurt you. In addition, if and when is it justified to bear a grudge and take revenge? This class culminates with a heartening description of how two friends can fight fiercely for their ideals, while maintaining a very close relationship.
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BY 349 I
The Torah does not want us to be 'technical truth-tellers' while conveying misleading messages. When is it permitted to falsely tell someone that you don't have money to lend him? If you are not available to speak when the phone rings, may the caller be told that you are not home? This lecture is a real eye-opener: it will change the way we understand the definition of honesty.
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BY 349 J

How many times have you said, 'I'm going in a minute'? Would the Torah then actually require you to leave in sixty seconds? Under what circumstances must we follow up on our commitments? When are we allowed to change our minds? Rav Berkovits clarifies all of the halachos of this exceptionally relevant subject.

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BY 349 K

Which is worse lashon hara or rechilus? Improper speech causes two forms of damage. In order to work on speaking in a more dignified manner, we must understand the fundamental issues behind shemiras halashon. In this lecture, Rav Berkovits includes the practical steps for doing teshuva for speaking lashon hara.

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BY 349 L
What is considered a justified reason to speak negatively about someone? What should you do when you are asked for information about someone for the purpose of shidduch? What flaws should be revealed about the person? To whom should we speak when attempting to find out information for a shidduch for our children or ourselves? If there is one area in the laws of loshon horah that is a necessity for everyone, this is it.
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BY 349 M
Have you ever had a rough day at the office and needed to tell someone it? Is it permitted to speak loshon horah in order to get something off of your chest? What happens when a family member begins to relate to you how someone hurt him? Should we stop the conversation or should we give him the attention that he needs emotionally? This lecture draws some very novel conclusions and should not be missed.
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