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Title Match: Juravel, Mrs. Chana
Juravel, Mrs. Chana on  aishAudio
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JO 079 C
What we do is important, but more essential is where we're going. If our direction in life is spurring us closer to G-d, or to repent our ways even if we're coming from a less than savory place, that is what takes precedence even over our actions.
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JO 079 D
Why is the world so full of hatred and plotting to bring each other - and especially the Jewish nation - down? Shouldn't G-d step in and stop them before they are able to actualize their evil plans? David explores the convoluted paths the world takes to get to the end goal G-d has in store.
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JO 079 E
David was in tremendous pain, and he wasn't foolishly in denial and singing a merry tune. Indeed, he cried out to Hashem about the overwhelming suffering that befell him. But within the pain, he found a song that expressed all that he was going through, proving that no matter how bad things get, there's always reason to sing.
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JO 079 H
David's reaction to having been found wanting in the spiritual realm caused him to try his utmost to rectify the blemish he created. He showed us that the only way to do so is by turning to G-d with a broken heart. Later on, when men he respected and loved turned against him to follow his son Avshalom's rebellion, he urges them to contemplate their actions and return, sharing his love and lessons with them.
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JO 079 I
David composed this psalm to be sung within the Beis Hamikdash. He played it on a special instrument that could be comprehended on a many levels. With each of us having our own unique abilities and individuality, we must each find our unique way to appreciate, and to play our own song along with all the other musical beings of creation.
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JO 079 J
We can sing G-d's praises all day, decide that we realize He is completely in control, and speak about his omnipotence constantly. But can we make the leap to trust in that knowledge, even when all seems to go haywire, and life is out of control?
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JO 079 K
People are complex. Despite our desire to think people love us and are out for our benefit, we must shed our naivet̩ and come to terms with the fact that they may have a hidden agenda underneath their smiling faces. How did David deal with those who presented themselves as his friends, and worked to destroy him? And how can we learn the lesson of respecting people but being aware at the same time?
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JO 079 L
Life is often equated with productivity. But those who are ill and unable to do much are still achieving. Often sick people don't feel like a viable part of the team of the nation of Israel. When we ask for healing, what do we truly desire? And what happens when we grow comfortable in our role of invalid? An in-depth look at illness and health.
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JO 079 M
Esther is easily on of the most tragic figures in our history, an intensely spiritual woman who was orphaned in infanthood and robbed of a beautiful marriage and potential children. How did she overcome the despair that threatened to overwhelm her and reach beyond the tragic incidents that were occurring on an individual and national level to reach the dawn that lay just beyond the night?
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JO 079 O
King Saul was actually on a higher spiritual level than David, but David had a quality that Saul lacked - the ability to be what a king needed to be. Mrs. Juravel defines which attributes a king must have beyond wearing a gold crown and sitting on a throne. See how David the man was able to allow God to shine through him - no matter what trials or tribulations were placed before him.
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