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Title Match: Berkovits, Rav Yitzchak
Berkovits, Rav Yitzchak on  aishAudio
Berkovits, Rav Yitzchak Rav Yitzchak Berkovits, founder and director of The Jerusalem Kollel (, is a widely respected authority on Halachah and well known for his telephone tapes on Shmiras Halashon. He is well known as a teacher and lecturer throughout Jerusalem and was ordained at the Mirrer Yeshiva, Jerusalem.
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BY 616 G
Rav Berkovits explains the entire shmiras halashon sefer of the Chofetz Chaim. Hear it straight from one who has himself mastered the skills of communication and of guarding his tongue. This series is ideal for advanced students intent on following along in a sefer, or just on solidly reviewing the laws of proper speech.
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BY 616 H
Rav Berkovits explains the entire shmiras halashon sefer of the Chofetz Chaim. Hear it straight from one who has himself mastered the skills of communication and of guarding his tongue. This series is ideal for advanced students intent on following along in a sefer, or just on solidly reviewing the laws of proper speech.
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BY 616 I
Rav Berkovits explains the entire shmiras halashon sefer of the Chofetz Chaim. Hear it straight from one who has himself mastered the skills of communication and of guarding his tongue. This series is ideal for advanced students intent on following along in a sefer, or just on solidly reviewing the laws of proper speech.
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BY 616 J
Rav Berkovits explains the entire shmiras halashon sefer of the Chofetz Chaim. Hear it straight from one who has himself mastered the skills of communication and of guarding his tongue. This series is ideal for advanced students intent on following along in a sefer, or just on solidly reviewing the laws of proper speech.
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BY 616 K
Rav Berkovits explains the entire shmiras halashon sefer of the Chofetz Chaim. Hear it straight from one who has himself mastered the skills of communication and of guarding his tongue. This series is ideal for advanced students intent on following along in a sefer, or just on solidly reviewing the laws of proper speech.
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BY 616 L

Rav Berkovits explains the entire shmiras halashon sefer of the Chofetz Chaim. Hear it straight from one who has himself mastered the skills of communication and of guarding his tongue. This series is ideal for advanced students intent on following along in a sefer, or just on solidly reviewing the laws of proper speech.

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BY 616 M
When is it appropriate to rebuke someone who is slandering another? All too often we know or well meant words will slide right off the offender's shoulders. And worse, what if our words will only cause the speaker to become more vehement - and more verbal about the subject he is putting down? An excellent guide for this tricky subject.
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BY 616 N

We all want polite kids, so naturally we cringe when our children speak in ways that may be forbidden. Rav Berkovits begins with a short review of the pertinent laws of forbidden speech and then he brings cases of kids who keep violating them - and explains how and at what stage a parent should intervene. Also, what if a child is always hurting other people verbally? Hear how to convey these laws, and at the same time not squash their need to communicate.

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BY 616 O
It is very difficult not to gossip. So maybe we should we all just tape our lips closed? Learn which speech is considered prohibited; how to prevent yourself from speaking it; and how to avoid getting caught up in it with others.
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BY 616 Q
Reading the Chafetz Chaim on your own can lead to some unfortunate misconceptions about whom you may or may not speak lashon hara about. Many issues are clarified, such as speaking about a non-observant Jew, or even someone who is anti-religious. And where do non-Jews fit in to this picture? Listen for conclusions you may be unaware of.
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