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Juravel, Mrs. Chana
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JO 442 C
Why does the topic of Tzitzis merit so much space within the Shema, and how do these hanging strings impact our identity as Jews? And also, why is it so important to mention the Exodus from Egypt just before going into the Shmoneh Esrei? Mrs. Juravel spells out five basics principles of living that stem from Yetzias Mitzrayim, and how these principles connect us to our prayers.

JO 520
Part of the great power of Pesach is God’s outpouring of Divine chesed to His beloved nation. How do we tap into this delicious flow of goodness? Also hear different ways that God’s expresses His love, and how they connect us to Him during the easy as well as the tough times of life.

JO 520 D
The very concept of 'Counting the Omer' is baffling. What are we counting, and why? Mrs. Juravel shows how these days offer a systematic program for rounding us out as individuals and for helping us track down annoying blind spots in our character.

JO 520 G
The terror the Jewish nation experienced with their backs to the Yam Suf was a moment in time when even prayer was unable to help them. Mrs. Juravel shows how the faith of our people is what brought them the freedom they desperately desired. By understanding what a Jew is and what a Jew stands for, even before receiving the Torah, we today can express the same inner connection to come closer to Hashem.

JO 520 H
Seder night is the climax of emunah, and the moment to capture a new infusion of faith to carry you through until next Pesach. Mrs. Juravel portrays the heaviness of slavery and the redeeming exuberance of freedom. A memorable class giving you plenty of courage and strength to model this same message for your children.

JO 527
The process of defining and refining the knowledge you possess can directly affect your level of emunah - a key to a stronger acceptance of the Torah. Mrs. Juravel explores Rav Shimshon Pincus' thinking on faith and loyalty and how to reach beyond self-imposed limitations on Shavuos night.

JO 527 B
Counting the Omer is replete with enigmatic puzzles. Why when we anticipate something do we count up instead of counting down? Mrs. Juravel explains the value of each format, depending on its motivational outcome. Hear an efficient way to lock onto the perfection you hope to attain, and the self-work necessary to prepare for it.

JO 529 B
Shavuos is a life-changing holiday that celebrates our receiving the Torah. This incredible class by Mrs. Chani Juravel presents Shavuos as a connection to spirituality, the reality of what Torah is, and how this short holiday can be a renewal for your year to come.

JO 532 A
As we embark on contemplating the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash, it may be easier to realize by first appreciating how crammed our lives have become with daily mundane tasks. When is there time and the mental space to access the spirituality we so desperately seek? Hear two valuable tools that connect us to the higher realities of the Beis Hamikdash which afford us an escape from the mire of physicality.

JO 532 B
Chana Juravel gives an inspired class on not only bearing with those who rub you the wrong way - but also on having more tolerance for your own character faults. By putting a new spin on our modern day values, hear where and when tolerance needs to be applied, and how this topic lends itself to the 3 weeks leading up to Tisha B'av.