Yom Kippur helps us reach past who we think we are - and to yearn for who we'd like to be. Mrs. Juravel explains how vidui (confession) is the power of the day. She ties in how allowing the awesome cry of the shofar to shake our souls helps to sway our judgment to the good.
Sukkos offers a narrow opening for reaching the sublime heights of joy, which are even greater than the transcendental heights of Yom Kippur. Hear how Hashem's love for us and our love for Him embrace beneath the peaceful sukkah branches.
Mrs. Juravel takes us back to the first Jewish Menorah experience, when Hashem gave Aharon HaCohen the super special privilege of lighting the Menorah in the Temple. Hear how your lighting the Chanukiah is a direct extension of Aharon's lighting.
The glorious Greek Empire epitomized a regime that was meticulous to hide the slightest hint that our beautiful world had anything to do with God. Hear the extent they tried to eradicate any and all traces of Jewish values, and how Chanukah became the tool to strip away its empty external splendor they held up so high.
Candles aflame in the night. Sounds so romantic, until we realize how foolish it is trying to bestow light upon Hashem. So why are these eight days so beloved by our Creator? An inspiring class on making the ordinary extraordinary and on reaching Hashem through your own initiative.
The Jews, during the Persian exile, seemed to be strong and pious. However, the deeper inner relationship between us and Hashem after the Churban was dead. Mrs Juravel reveals the ultimate lesson of the day and how a similar spiritual turn-about in your life is more of a possibility than you think.
The story of Esther’s triumphant success in saving her nation from complete annihilation came saddled with her own fierce personal struggle. This woman’s ability to see her place in God’s ultimate plan, and her decision to rise to the occasion despite her terrible personal sacrifice holds an important lesson for each of us.
On Purim, we acquired the Torah more completely than on Sinai, plus we struck back at Amalek. What do these great events have to do with drinking? Follow Mrs. Juravel's tale of subtle spiritual twists, and the awesome power this day has to save us from a state of inner poverty.
Amalek's desert attack on weary travelers was an act of cruelty. But why the extreme command to utterly wipe them out? Follow a beautiful class on the all encompassing dangers of Amalek and why Shabbos is the ultimate antidote for the gloom and doom they intended. Knowing why will help you feel more beloved and cared for.
If you’re building a home, build it to last. Mrs. Chani Juravel offers four essential tools for creating a solid marriage. This class sparkles with wisdom and wit as the concepts of trust, communication, vitality and respect are examined through the prism of Torah. Hear how to apply and test them in interactions with your spouse - and ultimately with God Himself.