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Orlowek, Rabbi Noach
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ON 626 L
Being an effective parent is a mix between understanding and experience. How strong is your perception for seeing your child's strengths - as well as your own strengths? How clearly do you demonstrate your love for them in order that at some future time they will be able to feel Hashem's ever present love for them? Building trust, and setting the foundations for clear communications is an important subject, you might want to set an hour aside for understanding it a little better.
ON 626 M
According to Rabbi Orlowek, non-verbal communication is not only stronger than verbal communication, but is the message a child will 'hear' when the verbal and non-verbal message differs. Learn to apply this powerful venue when sending messages you need the child to get. Also discussed are ways to help them be more consistent, and to prepare them for tough situations on their journey through life.
ON 626 N
A teenager's struggle is a difficult transition in life. They are no longer children, but not yet adults. Being in control is life and death for a teenager - calling on us to effectively instill responsibility and decision-making tools into their lives - without forfeiting parental control. Hear sage advice on how to defuse the power struggle, and hopefully weather their not so bumpy transformation into adulthood.
ON 626 O
Rabbi Orlowek explains why children, and many adults for that matter, need to first feel they are in a supportive, conducive environment before they can open up. Experience the art of active listening at its finest, and how it encourages the upset person to more freely express what is bothering them - furthering a stronger trust between you.
ON 626 P
What principles do you need to understand in order to keep the welfare of your precious children as a top priority? Rabbi Orlowek also discusses how to communicate from the bottom of your heart to each and every member of your family.
ON 626 R
First of all, realize that children speak in the language of emotions. Rabbi Orlowek demonstrates how to speak to children so they feel beloved, giving them a deeper secure belief in you - even at times when they need disciplining. Also hear an excellent discussion on the 'battle of wills' that often erupts between teens and parents.
ON 626 T
Integrating into Eretz Yisrael has its definite challenges. How can one possibly overcome the numerous hurdles and disappointments that seem so intimidating? Rabbi Orlowek underscores what we really have going for us by showing us what is truly good and right in ourselves and in Israeli society. From this you can create a truly positive and loving atmosphere for your children - along with God's blessings.
ON 638
How can you as a parent keep a relationship with your child secure so they feel safe opening up to you? Rabbi Orlowek shows how to build a conversation that conveys your respect for them, yet still leaves enough room to disagree with their opinion. This approach can also move them to help around the house without making them feel that its a burden.
ON 674
What do health, learning Torah and gratitude have in common? Rabbi Orlowek gives a practical talk for building your understanding and attitude from the ground up. Keeping healthy and fit are Torah obligations. Hear a number of ways to make it real.
ON 680
Why does teaching breed happiness? Because we all have the inner need to share our wisdom for living. So what skills will you need to build the trust and esteem for the children in your care to give you an ear? Rabbi Orlowek offers powerful advice to help children believe they are never alone; that they have what it takes to correct their mistakes; and that they are truly loved. Hear also how to deal with problem students.