Growth is a never ending process to become your full potential. Rachel is a sterling example of self-lessness. How did she overcome her yearning to marry Yaakov and send her sister down the aisle instead? How did she rise to the challenge of barrenness, and how did all her struggles to reach higher and higher levels of giving earn her the greatest gift of all?
Can it be that Leah, who was one of our four pioneering matriarchs was the perfect match in temperament and character for Esav, her intended wicked husband? Hear how Leah reforged her positive and negative traits in a complete turnabout to be suitable to marry Yaakov, and to be mother of six tribes of the Jewish People.
The horrific story of Tamar's rape by her half brother Amnon holds the source of what true love really is, and why 'conditional love' must necessarily fail. Of all the players in this story, Tamar, the true victim was the only one who rose above it all to show her true love for her nation - living up to the full caliber of who she was.
Even as a small child, Miriam urged her father to reconsider divorcing his wife, on the grounds that bringing new life into the world far outweighed the suffering of the Egyptian enslavement. Her ability to see the bigger picture helped her convey to the Jewish women a critical message of faith - which they’ve never forgotten. Hear the incredible strength and farsighted wisdom that this Jewish prophetess attained to help Klal Yisroel.
Tziporah, the little known wife behind the towering figure known as Moshe Rabenu was also considered to be one of the most beautiful women who ever lived. Hear how her beauty is defined, and her desire for growth that she passed onto her children.
Rachav was the most renowned prostitute of her immoral country. But not only did she became a righteous convert, she rose to the exalted status of marrying Israel's leader, Yehoshua. What brought about her about-face to redirect her negative drives into upward spiritual growth? Rachav's transformation is an inspiring story of each person's potential for change - no matter how far off course they've strayed.
One of Dovid HaMelech's most favored wives, Avigail, had a horrible husband before she married Dovid. Mrs. Juravel gives a narrative of her growth despite her awful marriage, and how she courageously stood up to save her first husband’s life. An important talk on applying wisdom with discretion.
The story of David and Batsheva is a delicate parsha. David's lustful nature seems to have been exposed - yet the sages say he was not at fault. Mrs. Juravel helps us to see the interplay between resentment, punishment and repentance. A beautiful study in learning to unravel life's lessons.
On one hand it is natural to seek trust in other people, but on the other hand emotions of fear, worry, and need for control seem to get in the way. Mrs. Juravel shows how the same applies to Hashem. Hear the qualities that make Hashem eminently worthy for us to trust Him, and how to leave behind the negatives which hinder this trust? Also, hear how we confuse the balance of bitachon and hishtadlus.
While many feel that working on <i>bitachon</i> is a non-intellectual exercise, Chani Juravel proves how eminently sensible it is to do so. Not only are we to keep in mind that every occurrence is being powered by the Divine Director, but also to grasp the understanding that it surly must be for the good. Listen in to learn how pain can also be viewed using this approach.