An expert on childrearing, Rabbi Orlowek is the author of "My Child, My Disciple", and "My Disciple, My Child". An acclaimed educator and counsellor, he is presently mashgiach in Yeshivas Torah Ohr in Jerusalem.
Believing in the Moshiach's arrival is a pillar of our belief system, yet we also say that waiting for his arrival is just as important. Join Rabbi Orlowek as he unravels the nuances of the word emunah and exactly why this sense of anticipation helps us to operate on a higher emotional level.
The fact that Jews are still uncomfortable living among the nations of the world has a positive side as well. Rabbi Orlowek brings Midrashim and other sources during the Greek and Roman exiles to accentuate the challenge we are being forced to grapple with. An interesting and positive new perspective on a very familiar topic.
The lightning speed of email & digital communication has put us into overdrive. This being the case, is it possible or even desirable to accelerate our ongoing personal relationships to keep up this new pace? Hear a wise talk for integrating technology without sacrificing the time or emotional space needed to nourish your personal connections.
What difference was there between the speech Hashem used to create the world and the speech He used when giving us the Torah? Rabbi Orlowek explains how the 10 plagues bridged the gap between the spoken word, which is clear and spelled out, and words which hint at meanings beneath the surface.
To become a more effective teacher, having anavah (humility) is a prerequisite. It was only because Yehoshua was so humble that enabled him to transmit the mesorah he received from Moshe Rabbeinu flawlessly. What is it about anavah that allows for letter-perfect recall?
Rabbi Noach Orlowek says there are three elements which attract us to anything. He defines them and zeroes in on the elements of good each possesses. Tapping into the deeper meaning of truth affects us in three ways. 1) Greater willingness to accept criticism. 2) A stronger sense of consistency leading to more confidence and stability, and 3) how the intrinsic feeling of permanence connects us back to our true selves.
What makes a person a true leader? Rabbi Orlowek first asks penetrating questions that seem unrelated to the topic. What is the meaning of shalom bayis? Why the insistence that the Shevatim remain as distinct tribes? And why was Rochel designated to pray for her exiled children? The discussion that follows takes the opposites of each concept and joins them into a harmonious unit. Much light is shed on the lives we lead from this class.
Sensing unity in the world around us creates a more secure feeling of peace. For an inner view of this see how our lives are at once split into different stages, yet flow together in one direction. Rabbi Orlowek underscores the need to pay attention to each phase of life we find ourselves in, and to regroup our energies during our stretches of peace for the inevitable struggles to come.
What does it mean when we hear that Hashem is deeply involved in our lives? And more to the point, how can we learn to live with it? Rabbi Orlowek explains how viewing ourselves as lovable and uniquely special is a prerequisite to understand this concept, and how it changes the way we view Hashem's presence in our lives.
What does it take to tune in and reach out to those around us who are suffering? Learning how to restrain speech at appropriate times can turn you into someone who can truly give others what they need to cope with their own difficulties. Also hear a practical approach on dealing with your own pain.