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Abraham, Dr. Avraham
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AB 678
Families who are confronted with the challenge of a special child often feel lost and alone. In the confusion and pressure that reigns, decisions about this child's future can be made that will later be regretted. Rabbi Abraham discusses difficult questions parents often are forced to decide and the answers he received from Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach and Rav Elyashiv. Among the topics spoken about are whether or not to bring this child home, when to make a decision to send a child for adoption or foster care, and how important or not it is to find an observant Jewish home for a child that will never have any cognitive ability at all.

KY 606 A
If only Joy could come a bit easier. Rabbi Kirzner dismantles the myth that happiness is a happening. Using a Chasidic approach, he shows how to create joy within, despite all the noise around us. First he defines the goal, then explains deeper insights, and finally gives tools to achieve the warm joy residing within.

KY 630
Why is it that many women feel left out when they witness all the mitzvos given to men? What emotional elements must be added to the mix to understand the woman's role in Judaism? Rabbi Kirzner looks at telling clues in the Torah of where men and women differ, and why the number of expectations for men needs to be higher to reach personal shalmus and closeness to God.

PS 616 B
What earth shattering greatness could possibly in store for one who holds back from a negative mitzvah, by just being silent? And where do we find that a song to Hashem can be an all out shout of silence? Hear a moment of complete outrage that most have experienced, but that reveals a mighty greatness.