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Title Match: Aiken PhD, Lisa
Aiken PhD, Lisa on  aishAudio
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AL 636

One reason many find prayer so difficult is that the heartfelt moments we have with God are usually occasions of desperate pleas for help. Through personal stories and moving anecdotes, Lisa Aiken explains what it takes to initiate and develop a warm intimate communication with God. How much would it improve the energy of your day to be looking forward to a nourishing recharge along the way?

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AL 696 A
Change usually scares people. Lisa Aiken, PhD. gives a close-up look at why those nearest and dearest can feel so threatened when seeing their loved ones changing so much. What must the ba’alei teshuvah keep in mind to help their families make peace with this new reality? Learn to also appreciate the emotional choices your loved ones are making - even if they may not be living up to your standards. An excellent class
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AL 802 A
All too often Darwin’s theory of evolution is taught as the gospel truth - although it’s not as airtight as it sounds. Dr Aiken examines the Torah’s creation narrative and closes the gap by showing new scientific discoveries. As a thinking adult, you may find the Bible story to be more rational now then when you heard it as a child.
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AL 806

Some women find they prefer having a suitable role model in mind for learning Torah. Lisa Aiken PhD also examines Chava's role, and her involvement in the first sin of Creation. She then looks at the mass objectification of woman and the worlds downward spiral. Hear also a few powerful lessons our matriarchs learned during their turbulent lives.

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AL 912 B

Suffering has baffled the greatest minds in every generation. Even Moses was unable to fully comprehend the painful outcomes that life so often dishes out. But even still there are kernels of insight that can help us appreciate it's ultimate justice, and even comfort us for the many struggles sent our way. Dr. Aiken identifies barriers between us and God, the unusual wake up calls we get, and how suffering brings our buried potential out of hibernation.

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AL 920
Travel back to the dawn of time when God chose to create a universe. Lisa Aiken Ph.D describes the souls existence before being given the chance it yearns for to earn an eternal relationship with the Divine. Follow the souls journey into this world to wrestle with good and evil before it makes its way back to its Maker.
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AL 926

Contrary to popular belief, the mystical threads of life - the soul, afterlife, and reincarnation have their earliest roots explained from classical Jewish sources. Lisa Aiken traces the souls journey as it makes its way from heaven to earth, and cycles its way back to its heavenly origin. She describes the necessary confrontations it needs to encounter along the way.

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AL 930

Relating with God doesn't take place in a vacuum. To make your connection something special, it needs to be more up front. Hear how the ways we relate to others in our lives, and to the world around us in general can clue you more into your own 'relating patterns' in order to develop a closer bond with God.

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AL 935 A


An emotional epidemic continues to rage through our world - low self-esteem. The symptom is the basic need to feel worthy - simply because we exist. And how many highly accomplished members of society that should feel worthy, continue to hold themselves in low regard. Dr. Aiken proposes how living a Torah based life can bring happiness within, regardless of any outer approval or attention you do or don't get.


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AL 941
Probably the hardest thing a secular woman must swallow when taking her first steps into an Orthodox synagogue is that the men and women are sitting separately. Whether you are newly observant or have struggled with this for many years - listen to Dr. Aiken's refreshing take on the issue and, far from being a bitter pill, hear how such an arrangement can be more liberating than it appears.
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