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Title Match: Berger, Rabbi Motty
Berger, Rabbi Motty on  aishAudio
Berger, Rabbi Motty Rabbi Berger is a lecturer in Jewish Philosophy at Aish HaTorah College of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem. He is a graduate of Loyola University in Maryland and received his rabbinic ordination from Ner Israel Rabbinical College in Baltimore. Rabbi Berger travels extensively worldwide as the senior Discovery lecturer. He is known for his provocative and unique take on Judaism that attracts audiences from all levels of observance.
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BA 626

If your kids show little concern for the Jewish Nation, a different approach may be needed. Rabbi Berger explains how the world was created for our pleasure, but with the need to tame our self-centeredness. Learn about deeper, longer lasting levels of pleasure that we and our kids were meant to share and enjoy.

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BA 633
Abortion is a always a controversial and sensitive topic, ranging from pro-choice to pro-life and all the grays between. Rabbi Berger offers a peek at the Jewish view of life from the vantage point of the unborn child, and analyzes how and when taking that fragile life is permissible.
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BA 650 A

Why are both Jews and non-Jews needed in the world? Rabbi Motty Berger is clear and precise in delineating the three rules of relationships for Jews, and traces its ramifications from the inception of Abraham. He also explains which roles non-Jews play.

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BA 650 B
Hashem wants the Jewish people to make a difference in the world - to be shining role models for everyone to follow. And when they were at Mt Sinai they were totally united on receiving the Torah. Rabbi Berger questions how possible Is it for an entire people to reach such a level, and more, why should national unity be the prerequisite for truth?
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BA 654 A

The 'Who is a Jew' topic is loaded with many hot issues. Rabbi Berger presents the Orthodox understanding, which happens to be far more accepting and pluralistic than most people believe. Hear how to define each factor that must be present in order to consider someone truly Jewish. Also hear how rapid assimilation is affecting the Jewish world.

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BA 655 C
If Judaism is God's chosen religion, why did He allow Christianity and other major religions to become so large and powerful? Rabbi Berger first explains the beginnings of Christianity from the Jewish perspective, and then shows the influences other religions can have on your own belief in Judaism.
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BA 655 D
Besides presenting a clear understanding of Christian ideologies, Rabbi Berger gives sound advice for everyone dealing with missionaries - such as how to counter their arguments, and what to say and what not to say. A basic overview of what you are up against.
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BA 655 E

In his clear lucid way, Rabbi Berger explains the differences between Judaism and Christianity. He explains how each divergent belief arose - within the context that Christianity was created by a Jew.

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BA 680
Does formal schooling really teach you how to think, or does it influence you to defend your society's values? Rabbi Berger presents a sobering look at the current trends in education, and suggests an attitude you might consider adopting for being a truly free thinker of the highest order.
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BA 690
Most judicial and legislative systems pit two sides against each other, creating a natural checks and balances. However, such a viewpoint will automatically skew our being objective when dealing with inflammatory subjects - such as Judaism's seemingly male-powered value system. Eminently rational, Rabbi Berger lays out a logical approach for examining this issue, and then puts Torah-true Judaism up to the challenge.
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