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Title Match: Berger, Rabbi Motty
Berger, Rabbi Motty on  aishAudio
Berger, Rabbi Motty Rabbi Berger is a lecturer in Jewish Philosophy at Aish HaTorah College of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem. He is a graduate of Loyola University in Maryland and received his rabbinic ordination from Ner Israel Rabbinical College in Baltimore. Rabbi Berger travels extensively worldwide as the senior Discovery lecturer. He is known for his provocative and unique take on Judaism that attracts audiences from all levels of observance.
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BA 691 A
Everyone working in Kiruv can attest to the unavoidable hard-hitting questions that come their way. Rabbi Motty Berger clearly explains the impact that giving straight answers has - even if it hurts. Learn why being a 'good person' is just not enough, and why morality cannot be fully understood from the human mind.
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BA 691 E
Is there a God, and what does He expect from us? Rabbi Berger explores the Torah's ability to change everyone who is touched by it since it is sourced from Hashem. But how do we relate the concept of 'Infinite Being' to others in a way that actually moves them into positive action? Hear the classic understanding of 'self as a child' who is expected to grow past simplistic relationships and reach the level of choosing to initiate a meaningful relationship with God.
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BA 782
When a Jew uses the term 'Torah' which aspect of Torah is he referring to? Rabbi Berger weaves the discussion around the concepts of good and evil, right and wrong, reality and illusion and truth and falsehood. Hear how the questions you ask may be the best way for you to find the answers that talk to you.
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BA 787 A

Who will be our future leader, when will he come, what will he do and will he know that he's 'the one' beforehand? Rabbi Berger looks into core Jewish traditions on the coming of Moshiach on these questions and how he is expected to operate once he enters active duty? An even more basic question: why should God need such a person in the first place?

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BA 804
Until the 20th century, the Divine origin of the Bible was never contested. At that time the world of secular scholarship began noticing stylistic differences in the text, which they ascribed to human authorship. Rabbi Berger examines the earlier and later hypotheses by giving examples of how secular scholars overlooked one critical variable that leads a human being to spiritual growth.
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BA 809

The history of the Jewish people defies all sociological and historical norms. What makes this history amazing is how incredibly unusual several outcomes were predicted, and documented thousands of years ago. As a vital part of the “DISCOVERY SEMINAR,” Rabbi Berger brings to life seven major prophecies and how each has been completely fulfilled.

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BA 850 A

In this comprehensive lecture discussing the 'what' and 'why' of anti-semitism, Rabbi Berger shows how such irrational hatreds arose - and effective ways to deflect their destructive forces. Hear also who is considered a Jew, and the clear demarcations between Reform, Conservative and Orthodox Judaism. (A Classic)



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BA 850 B
Ever wonder why so many baseless charges are leveled against the Jews, and why they capture so many front-page headlines? Hear many of the totally opposite attacks used to vilify this tiny nation. For instance, when the Jews are poverty-stricken they're called parasites, and when they become wealthy they're accused of taking over. Rabbi Motty Berger, famous for his provocative and refreshing logic, examines a number of probable causes, but pinpoints the unusual source of this ages old anomaly.
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BA 852
The Holocaust was so horrific that even a reasoned well articulated case falls far short of clearing God's benevolent name. Rabbi Berger begins to offer an answer by explaining the nuanced relationship that God maintains with us. Once this backdrop is in place, many factors involved in that brutal genocide may become a bit clearer - which paradoxically can imply that God's love for us will endure eternally.
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BA 868
Before Rabbi Berger discusses the Palestinian issue, he examines what the concepts of war and peace mean, and what realistic price different nations are willing to pay for achieving this utopia. Hear a surprising aspect of the equation, and our inability to perceive the vast gap between the secular and Jewish code of values.
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