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Berger, Rabbi Motty
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BA 906
In raw numbers Judaism represents but a small speck compared to all other religions. So how can we back this belief that we’re right? Rabbi Motty Berger walks through a few thought provoking issues on how we are living our lives. To put it in context, he overlays the Israel/Arab struggle to the class as a backdrop.

BA 907
Rabbi Berger shows how spirituality fits so beautifully with the Classic Jewish outlook on life and how it spices up the way we understand the struggle of life.

BA 909 B
What conscious role should the seeking of truth play in your life? And what mechanism holds us back from just living for today without worrying about the consequences? Rabbi Berger discusses the ultra strong influences of seeking pleasure, and the drives that motivate us to pursue truth - or to ignore it. Hear an insightful talk that exposes the internal struggle we are constantly up against.

BA 909 C
We all have a concept of right and wrong that stems from our perception of truth and falsehood. Rabbi Berger tracks down the definition of truth and shows how deeply this core affects your life - even if you're not paying attention of it. Learning to keep an antenna up for this essential aspect of life will help you stay focused on your deepest desire, along with providing a strong sense of purpose.

BA 912 A
If Jews are so 'chosen,' how come they always suffer so much? Rabbi Berger explains why God, who is purported to shower us with unconditional love, could or would allow us to endure seemingly arbitrary pain. Join this discussion on the deeper workings of suffering, and what roles good and evil play in the ultimate drama of life.

BA 912 B
Why is there so much pain and suffering in the world? Rabbi Berger takes us back to the Garden of Eden for an explanation as to why suffering is necessary in our lives. Hear how making a stronger connection with God can soften suffering, and how we can more quickly learn the lessons we have been pressed to figure out?

BA 916
If you saw the movie, you'll remember the line "Most human beings believe they are fully taking care of themselves. In fact, they are sitting in a pod serving THE MATRIX. In the world we live in, the matrix is so confident in its thinking that we can't make any difference." If this movie affected you as it did so many others, Rabbi Berger's penetrating analysis of 'Jewish reality' shines a new light on a few of its conclusions. Discussions include dreams vs. reality, truth vs. fiction, and the notion that 'ignorance is bliss.'

BA 930
The extent to which we proactively choose to enter into a relationship is the extent of closeness we can experience. For example, children can cry, "How can you do such a thing and still say you love me?" Yet it's clear that a parent's deeper intent is for their benefit. Do we also cry against Hashem knowing His will is always aimed toward our ultimate good? How can we come to believe this strongly enough to burn it into our bones?

BA 937
Simcha is serious business - and tightly wrapped to our living in the world. Rabbi Berger asks the obvious question, why is it so easy to get sidetracked by things that won't make us happy, and at the same time ignore the things we know will lead to more joy? Is God holding out on us, or waiting for us to make a significant shift to be more in touch with ourselves?

BA 951
Blaming the Americans, CNN, or even the Arabs themselves for the tragedies that befall the Jewish people is very similar to the parable that says: 'when you hit a dog, it will bite back at the stick.' Hear how we should approach our leaders when tough situations need sensitive solutions, rather than condemning everyone else for our problems.