Our travel in the desert was predicated on carefully following our leader Moshe. Rebbetzin Birnbaum explains how easily our minds get led astray, and how sorely we depend on our Torah and Rabbanim to keep us on track. So how does this precept of believing in the wise come to teach us about the Churban?
Rebbetzin Birnbaum reminds us how each moment of life is so uniquely precious. Her every word awakens an awareness of how all the mundane physical activities, like eating, sleeping, house work or exercising are available as moments to serve Hashem with an open heart.
When big challenges loom before us, it is so hard to muster the internal courage to march onwards and upwards. Rebbetzin Birnbaum gives time-tested encouragement by pointing out a few super painful moments that our nation faced and the underlying greatness that pushed them on. How does the desire to control things warp the picture of the potential growth standing before us?
Did you know that we will be taken to task for not saying positive things to others when we had the opportunity? Rebbetzin Birnbaum explains the three types of speech and how often we should use each of them. Knowing a few guidelines on this topic will greatly increase your ability to generate more harmony and love in the world.
The test of a true portrait artists is how well they bring out the inner heart of the subject painted. Rebbetzin Birnbaum explains how you can pay closer attention to the details of life to understand and feel the needs of others. Hear how our great leaders overrode their personal needs in order to see, listen, and know where other people were coming from, and what things they were lacking.
Should we always attempt to act as good as we expect our children to be? Maybe there's a balance we need to maintain by also openly correcting our shortcomings and exposing some of our weaknesses before them? Valuable advice to succeed as parents on all fronts.
Being considerate of a friend's dignity is a trait many of us feel we’ve acquired. But on realizing that hurting someone else is like touching live fire, which burns if we get too close, alerts us with our topic be extra careful. Hear the scope of this important topic and the results of hurting others - at any level.
Part of belief in Hashem is believing that nothing happens by chance. Seeing how every occurrence in life stems from Hashem's desire has a power to change us to the core. Hear inspiring stories of real believers who avoided having pride in there accomplishments, yet guarded their pride of bitachon in the One above.
Most people will pour out their deepest heartfelt prayers only after feeling pain or by sensing a desperate need for help. But right, it's so hard to invoke sincere prayers every single day? Isn't it the hard times that remind us how sidetracked we've gotten? Understanding the root of tefillah will get us back on track - even during those times we're just not in the mood.
In order to become the ideal woman you envision yourself to be, being a bas melech has to be apparent in all your actions. The level and degree of your chinuch ability is a reflection of the nobility you feel within. Hear how you can instill a stronger appreciation for Torah and Yiras Shomayim in your children, and how you can imbue in them an inner sense of the royal lineage to which they all belong.