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Greenwald, Rabbi Zecharya
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GC 626 M
The first and most necessary way to create a positive relationship with your teenager is to figure out how they think. Their minds are in transit between the world of childhood and the adulthood that beckons, which leaves them struggling in confusion. Hear four important tips to make this big transition easier on them, and us.

GC 626 N
What exactly are 'values'? And when should we begin teaching them to our children? Rabbi Greenwald explains how values do not work the same way 'information' does, and yet we usually convey both using the same process. You'll hear the best way to transmit non-tangible values; what points our children pick up on most; and the critical actions for becoming a positive role model.

GC 626 O
Dealing with the school system today may be very different from the system you grew up with. Rabbi Greenwald compares the roles, responsibilities and conjunctions between the school and parents, and recommends ways to worm your way onto the good side of your child’s teachers and principal.

GC 626 P
Before discussing how to understand your adolescent children, recognize that the first obstacle we need to overcome is our hoping they pass through this stage even before they begin it. In this first class, Rabbi Greenwald helps you understand which dimension your adolescents are coming from, and shows in concrete terms how you can help them pass the stage with flying colors. A great series with more to come!.

GC 626 Q
Teens get loads of bad press. Rabbi Greenwald presents a completely new way of relating to adolescents that can reduce tons of tension in your home. Hear how a few simple refinements in your mindset can cause their 'attitude' to dissolve before your eyes. Whether you have kids at this stage or not, hear an eye opening class on relating to rebellious people in general.

GC 626 R
Why do our teenagers sometimes act like two-year-olds, and how should we deal with them when it happens? In this continuation of a great series on child-raising, hear the principles and practical tips on how to guide your children in the right direction, despite their need to rebel.

GC 626 S
Helping your children discover their own worthy goals takes a bit of understanding. But first, have we passed the test of gaining genuine trust from them? A chinuch guide par excellent, Rabbi Greenwald offers a clear roadmap for helping us help our children define their goals and keeping their children steadily on track – without anxiously coaxing them make the right decisions.

GC 626 T
Does your teenager ever appear at the edge of rebelling if you would make the wrong move? If so, what chance do you have to effectively discipline them if you're always worried about snapping the cord? Rabbi Greenwald spells out the golden rule for establishing structure in the home. He also troubleshoots conflict areas like helping out at home and staying out late at night. A must listen.

GC 626 U
All teenagers hit rough spots - but sometimes a difficulty can snowball into a monstrous state of confusion, rejection and rebellion. What four risk factors push an adolescent over the edge? Rabbi Greenwald explains how to look at a child's history and current behavior in order to prevent these heartbreaking scenarios. Hear also the telltale signs that show when a teen is struggling, and tips to compensate once it has begun.

GC 626 V
Choosing an appropriate high school that our child will spend four of his most formative years can be nerve-wracking. Should we aim to get them accepted into a top school they may not be up to? And what if the friends they make in a lower level school do not fit the standards of the home? Rabbi Greenwald lays down basic guidelines to help us and our child reach a fitting solution.