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Gross, Rabbi Avraham
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GV 252 A
Rabbi Gross gives a list of things from the sefer Orchot Tzaddikim that a person should always keep in mind. Some of the items discussed are; how we came into the world; the nature of our Jewish identity; and the preciousness of Torah. Hear how these ideas are eminently relevant in our lives today, and how they positively readjust our perception of the world.

GV 252 B
Rabbi Gross continues to expound on important things to keep in mind as we go about our daily affairs. He discusses the value of making a daily log of our actions, the eternal aspect of our souls, and how the existing relationship we have with God is a mirror image of our emotional makeup.

GV 606
It's easy to say 'Baruch Hashem' and 'thank you' when things are rolling along - but meaning it is quite a different story. Rabbi Gross shows how 'Hakaros hatov' is good medicine for changing your attitude in the midst of difficult times, and spells out a valuable parenting tool for helping children appreciate all that they have.

GV 615 B
When we speak to others, how can we communicate in a way that perceives them as children of Hashem? What simple things can we do during our day to day relationships to open such a perception? Rabbi Gross gives an excellent definition of love and guides us on upgrading our vision by what we say, and how we react.

GV 615 C
This moving shiur explains the extent a small measure of trust in Hashem can carry you through many of the challenges in your life. Rabbi Gross's illustrates his point with real-life anecdotes on how to creatively evaluate an event seen as terrible today as an important opportunity to make a breakthrough. Hear advice about how adding a single word or two during prayer can change your entire outlook about the nature of the issue.

GV 619
Bringing Hashem into our lives is unlikely to happen when daily prayers are said by rote. So what is required to have more awareness of His presence, and how can we learn to converse with Him more intimately? Hear the natural responses a person will have who is living closer to Hashem's greatness.

GV 780
Many people turn to the spiritual life as a way of simply chasing a higher feeling. But how willing are they to follow the rules for achieving it? Rabbi Gross discusses our inner need for nourishing the soul, and how Torah answers that need the best.

GV 843
The source of our built in greatness is so simple, yet so elusive. Hear powerful ideas that include the way mankind was created and what the Jewish nation is capable of. Also, how is it that when we fix ourselves, the entire universe is corrected? Once we comprehend the value and power of each soul, notice how our treating others will diametrically change.

GV 937
In the past, had we reached out to others sincerely and caringly we would feel a much stronger presence of Hashem today. Rabbi Gross explains how we can realistically regain the lost ground by thinking through what we plan to say, steps we can take to rectify the hurt we've caused others, and how to pursue peace to help bring Moshiach soon in our days.