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Title Match: Kalmanovitz, Rebbetzin V
Kalmanovitz, Rebbetzin V on  aishAudio
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KV 626 B
As parents, we tend to look back regretfully on mistakes we made with our children. For instance, "I gave in to my two-year old's tantrums too many times this week," "I let my five-year old play with someone I felt was a bad influence," "I haven't spent enough time reviewing my four-year old's weekly parsha sheets" and on and on. While most agree a child's foundation is established before the age of five, there is still much room for growth after these tender years. Learn how to guide the little people in your life beyond the age of five, and how to make up for many of those presumably lost opportunities. (The speaker uses Yiddish words at times)
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KV 637

Ladies, do you feel there is too much animosity amongst women? Can we also appreciate that achdus would bring more of Hashem's presence into our lives? Besides all the small things we could do to prevent fragmentation, realize that extra binah (intuition) was given to bring us closer, to curb our complaining, and to appreciate how working to stay in a good mood can spread peace to everyone within range. An excellent talk.

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KV 678

Parents who have special children often suffer from guilt or anger. Hear many statements from Gedolim that prove how giving birth to a special child has nothing to do with previous mistakes. Rebbetzin Kalmanovitz describes how rarified the neshamos of these children are, and how truly close they are to the perfection we hope for them.

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KV 843
As Jews, we are especially close to Hashem, and to further enhance our lives He gave us the Torah. Rebbetzin Kalmanovits describes the immense love God has for us and His ever flowing kindness. So what is obstructing our feeling the full warmth of this connection, and how we can begin to remove the barriers?
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KV 881

Looking back on September 11th may resurface feelings we'd prefer not to experience again. However, there is something very important that we as women must correct in order to help rectify the damage that was unleashed into our world. A powerful and inspiring talk.

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KV 935
It's so easy to sing a merry song when things are going along fine, but what's our tune when the going get rough? True bitachon in Hashem is the starting point for happiness. Even though many of the 'jobs' we face in life may seem beyond our reach, our 'Employer' is ready to compensate us handsomely just for the honest effort we make - regardless of the outcome. Appreciating this takes a little extra understanding.
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KV 937

Why was man created and what is man's job in this world? What follows is how do we find a sense of happiness and pleasure in life? Rebbetzin Kalmanovitz answers these questions and touches along the way other essential topics such as the Yetzer Hara, Ahavas Hashem and Teshuvah.


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KV 951

When troubles come our way, how hard is it to remember that just as a father will love and forgive his child, Hashem will also love and forgive us with unwavering love. Rebbetzin Kalmanovitz examines the key to our immense strength of revitalizing our passion to live more fully, and for jolting ourselves out of uncaring indifference.

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KV 952

Appreciating the complex Divine intricacy of the human eye points to His involvement and how we perceive our destiny. How can we as human beings develop a stronger belief in Hashem's master plan to help us see how all is indeed inherently good. A wise way to spare us all the ups and downs of life.

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KV 953 B

How ready are you to make a change in your outlook on life, assuming you won’t need to sacrifice any cherished values? Rebbetzin Kalminovitz discusses advanced approaches to perceiving Hashem’s goodness from a different perspective. Also hear a clip on how to stop experiencing excessive desire for things you just don't have.


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