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Pincus, Rav Shimshon ztl
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PS 510 A
Can you imagine being in the courtyard of a working Beis Hamikdash? Rav Pincus relates the multiple parallels between the Beis Hamikdash and Shabbos. And can you imagine the spiritual highs of experiencing Shabbos with the same intent and reverence you'd have in the real Beis Hamikdash?

PS 510 B
With all the hubub and celebration that comes with each Yom Tov, why does Shabbos get so little attention? Rav Pincus examines the beauty of a mirror to explaining how the very character of this special seventh day is a reflection of Hashem Himself.

PS 510 C
Shabbos offers a quality of life which was also available in the Beis Hamikdash. The delicate balance of Shabbos needs understanding and practice to be preformed properly. Rav Pincus explains how Shabbos represents the heart, and how the heart joins the upper and lower worlds - keeping you in closer range with Hashem.

PS 510 D
Imagine the honor you'd feel if the 'Queen dropped by for tea'? Well, she does, every week, and not just for tea. She is an honored guest in your home for three enjoyable meals. Rav Shimshon Pincus inspires us with a sense of having the Shabbos Queen in your own palace, and, on how to become a connoisseur of specific Shabbos pleasures.

PS 510 F
Upon inspecting the Jewish calendar, it becomes clear how each Yom Tov has it’s own unique tenor. What is the essence of Shabbos that we can fix in our minds? Rav Pincus’s esoteric answer shows the similarity between Shabbos Kodesh and the Beis Hamikdash, and how Hashem’s loving face expresses itself to us on this holy day.

PS 510 G
So powerful are the Shabbos prayers that Chazal compare them to the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah, (10 days of teshuva) when Hashem is eager to hear our cry for reunion. Rav Pincus describes how Shabbos and the Bais Hamikdash link up, and the sense of peace such a prayer brings in its wake.

PS 510 H
Rav Pincus compares delicate Waterford crystal to Shabbos – where the smallest wrong tap will shatter its sanctity. Hear a few enigmas about this holy day, like God’s puzzling 'need for rest' and the consequences of violating some of its laws. Also hear what fills Shabbos with so much bracha and oneg, which is near impossible to describe without having tasted it once.

PS 528 A
Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai gave us deeper secrets of the Torah, before he passed away on Lag Ba’Omer. This wisdom points to Hashem’s oneness in Heaven and on Earth. Rav Pincus brings Lag B'Omer's esoteric message down to earth by showing how intimately involved Hashem is with even our most mundane actions.

PS 529
The word 'Servitude' has really bad PR today. The concept of slavery falls short in that it only rules certain aspects of a person's existence, but never all. Rav Pincus draws a picture of how our service to Hashem can rise above every restrictive barrier for gaining a deeper sense of our yearning and love.

PS 533 B
When do tears of pain mix with tears of healing? After the sadness of Tisha B'Av a Jewish yearning for spiritual greatness often takes root. Rav Pincus describes a special experience on a very special Shabbos.