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Rosenblum, Rabbi Sender on |

How does Yaakov's premature death at the age of 147 teach us a tremendous lesson about appreciating the troubles we come across in life? And how does Yaakov's blessing to the younger Ephraim before Menashe show the higher level of serving Hashem from gratitude rather than coming close through perceiving one's suffering?

How can we analyze the Jewish perspective on living in Egypt to come to the great secret of being able to survive exile intact? Why were the Jews given such incredibly difficult labor as slaves? The trop underneath these words explains the reason in depth. What message was Hashem trying to get across with the symbolism of the burning bush?

The portion of Shemos kicks off the start of eight weeks when one can do special repentance. How do we see this in the first words of the parsha? We also gain great insight into the character of Dasan and Aviram as we see them fighting with Moshe in Egypt, and subsequently informing on him to the government. And how do we see the Egyptians trying to take advantage of the 36 years of hopelessness the Jews endured before Moshe was born?

How do the four languages of redemption represent four different aspects of our freedom? And how can we see that Moshe and Aharon were unaffected by the terrible influence of Pharoah? Did any of the Jewish nation's cattle die during the plague of dever?

The love of a son for a father is less than that of a parent to a child. How did the Avos transcend this level in their love of Hashem? How does having good spirits help lighten the load of hard labor, and why did that truism cause the Jews triple the pain?

What's a great way to remember how many plagues are discussed in this week's portion? Rabbi Rosenblum takes the typical manner of thought and turns it on his head as he analyzes the order of exile and bringing the Korban Pesach. He also gives a novel explanation of how Hashem hardened Pharoah's heart that points to the tremendous impact attitude has on our lives.

What lesson about hishtadlus did the Jews teach us by requesting clothing and money from their Egyptian captors? Why do we have so many commandments connected to Korban Pesach to show us how kingly we are? Wouldn't one be enough to bring the lesson home?

More than once we see the Jews desired to return to Egypt when life in the desert got tough. But how could they possibly have desired to go back to the pain and slavery they had endured? And how did Miriam's command to the women to sing show what a woman's true role is in the world?

How did the bones of Yosef help teach the Jews essential ideas that got them through the desert, and subsequent exiles? And what is the last avodah zarah that exists nowadays? How did Yisro learn about the grateful character of the Jewish nation from Krias Yam Suf and the war with Amalak?