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Samet, Rebbetzin Yehudis
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SY 615 M
The Bible considers expressing love to others as an obligation. If so, wouldn't that imply that emotions are controllable? Rebbetzin Samet gives practical ways to turn on your love for helping those around you, which also gives you a little practice at being the beautiful person you are under it all.

SY 616 A
Rebbetzin Samet begins with a quick rundown of the basic laws of Shmiras HaLashon, and a few sticky examples on applying them. For example, what should the response to an authority figure who is pressuring you to speak negatively about another? Also discussed is poking fun with no harm intended, and just talking about people without mentioning names.

SY 616 C
The issur of merely being near-by and hearing Lashon Hara is often viewed as something much less than an actual breach. After all, the ones involved caused most of the damage, and right, it's not our fault !? Wrong. Rebbetzin Samet details the halachos of this case and explains when we are, and when we're not permitted to listen, and how to deal with hearing things that we wish we had avoided.

SY 616 F
Making fun of Talmidei Chachamim includes not only pointing a finger at aspects of their personality, but also asserting that their erudition isnåÕt quite as extensive as one might think. Rebbetzin Samet goes on to explain that even sharing a letter or email of an acquaintance which is not incriminating, but which the writer would be embarrassed of is also not allowed. Hear the particulars and valuable stories on this topic that are not so well know.

SY 617 C
Rebbetzin Samet weaves together a cross section of personal judgements along with fascinating true stories. She clarifies bottom line halachas of Judging Favorably (Chofetz Chaim) and spices the class with wonderful, uplifting chizuk.

SY 617 D
Sometimes we're able to justify a friends negative words or deeds by saying: 'maybe they really didn’t have malicious intent' or 'I must have misread their words' or 'they were probably caught off guard and very hurried.' But at some point isn't there a limit to excusing the inexcusable? Hear valuable ways to keep your cool, along with incredibly inspiring stories.

SY 617 E
How easily do we forgive our own failings and how quick we are to judge the shortcomings of others who hurt us? Rebbetzin Samet relates the three attitudes we use to judge others, and offers inspiring ways to catch our own anger - with a kinder disposition.