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Tauber, Rabbi Ezriel, ztl
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TE 603 A
Rabbi Tauber posits that for achieving a consistency of positive speech a change in attitude is needed. He approaches this by helping us realign and securing certain aspects of our belief in God and Torah from Sinai. Hear how they work together in order to perceive and relate to the world in positive ways.

TE 606 A
In all battles the surest way to victory is 'know thy enemy - and act accordingly'. Rabbi Tauber shows how Pharoah and Amalek, our ongoing arch adversaries, are still very alive, within and without. So what things are blocking the way for more simcha? For one blind spot he suggests a way to retrieve those hard earned lessons we've earned, without needing to learn it over again.

TE 607
There are two types of humility that help to deflate a person down to a lower perch. The first way to happiness is the ego counter-balancing attitude of 'not really amounting to much'. The second is to feel how eclipsed your greatness really is when it's compared to a far grander and mightier power. Rabbi Tauber helps us increase the sheer joy of life by getting us touch with our inner buttons.

TE 613 F
Each of us has a spark of Hashem's being within. What impact could having a greater appreciation of this make to our lives, and in our marriages? Rabbi Tauber offers excellent advice to kallahs about to take the plunge. Learn about your role in seeding the generations, how each partner is to refine one another, and what you have as a woman that men cannot achieve.

TE 614
All agree that having confidence in life is a healthy state to strive for, but what things in particular do we need to become confident about? Rabbi Tauber discusses the priorities and how to use this new sense of control for becoming more fulfilled and complete within yourself.

TE 615 A
What is the Oral Law and how does it interface with the written Bible? Rabbi Deyo takes a look at those who were involved in disseminating it, and how their decisions played themselves out until the law was formulated - and that it was open in a way that everyone can verify its validity themselves.

TE 615 B
Ever feel the pressure that if I don't give more - or all of myself, I'm not a good spouse, mother, person or friend? Not true, says Rabbi Tauber. When we truly care for and love ourselves, we are much more capable to give of ourselves. So how do we silence that inner voice which pressures us to constantly give in order for us to get a feeling of worth?

TE 616 A
As a nation we win the prize for the amount of tragedy we've seen. But unfortunately, such things usually stems from not appreciating our Jewishness and the values we stands for. Rabbi Tauber shows us the faith and sense of self we can tap into during the difficult times.

TE 620
If marriage was always smooth sailing it’s highly unlikely that both sides would invite all the tests that necessitate couples to work things out. Rabbi Tauber explains the attitude to keep in mind as Hashem injects all sorts of conflicts into our daily lives - thus tempering this holiest of relationships.

TE 626 D
The fact is that parents do make mistakes in raising kids, as all can testify from their own childhood. Rabbi Tauber begins by explaining the inherent insecurity that parents have, and shows the difficulty they face when saying 'no.' What adjustments can parents make with this to increase their children's self-worth?