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Wagensberg, Rabbi Aba on |

Do we really need to be the sharp man in a business suit strutting down the street to enjoy a rush of self-confidence? Rabbi Wagensberg shares his keen insight into the ‘creation of man’ to explain the powerful Divine energy that G-d invested into each unique individual. This lecture leads us to consider just how much our Creator really believes in us.

Are you suffering from after-the-holidays blues? Stepping into Parshas Breishis after Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Succos, Hoshanah Raba, Shmini Atzeres and Simchas Torah can be anticlimactic, especially when all we have to look forward to is a long, dark and cold winter. If you would like the greatest reasons to rejoice with song and dance, precisely at this time of year, just tune in and listen to this class in which Rabbi Wagensberg shows us that the source of our comfort is right under our noses.

Have you ever been intrigued as to who Jesus really was? Have you ever pondered whether or not his Jewish sould will ever get fixed? Once again, Rabbi Wagensberg dazzels us in this talk by sharing a very mystical approach as to just what forces Noach was up against in that ark. By the time Rabbi Wagensberg has finished with us, we are going to want to jump at every opportunity to be the bearers of good news, thereby ridding the world of its cruelty and bringing us Elijah the Prophet.

Avraham's ten tests put him through the spiritual wringer. Why was it necessary to test this extraordinary person in such extreme ways? Rabbi Wagensberg proves how Avraham did indeed pass them all with flying colors and examines how his success can help us reach our own enormous potential.

Everybody knows that it’s all about Middos Tovos- Character Development. Join Rabbi Wagensberg as he takes you on a journey, tapping in to those qualities that are already within you and that just need to be discovered like a hidden treasure—which becomes easier once we realize that those gems aren’t in our souls but in our bodies!