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Zeldman, Rabbi Moshe
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ZM 930 D
The world was created on a foundation of Divine love and giving. Why then is life so hard, and why are we given a never-ending list of things we must do, instead of being urged to lay on the beach with a cold drink and a good book? Rabbi Zeldman discusses G-d's infinite wisdom, and how this can lead to experiences that don't feel great, but are truly for our good.

ZM 930 E
Esoteric heights are available to every determined seeker of Jewish mysticism. Rabbi Zeldman speaks to the uninitiated mature Jew who has an interest to upgrade his spirituality in that direction.

ZM 930 F
The world has been carefully designed to relate to us exactly what God wants us to know about Him, and how such a relationship with Him can develop. However, any relationship with Him must begin with a free will decision of wanting to consider His actual existence in the first place. In addition, if one is only willing to contribute to their spiritual growth with things that make them feel good, without too much sacrifice, how far can you really expect such a relationship to go?

ZM 930 G
Seeing suffering daily in the world evokes many different reactions. No explanation of why suffering exists in so many arbitrary ways will ever be emotionally satisfying, but an intellectual explanation may help to ease the pain. When tragedy strikes, hear how you can unearth the good buried in the bad - and weather the storm.

ZM 930 H
Rabbi Zeldman concludes his discussion on suffering in the last of this series. Even though we can never comprehend the entire reasons for our suffering, we know it provides us with a custom-made growth opportunity. Rabbi Zeldman guides the listener through a talk on trusting God, learning from our experiences and developing a stronger relationship with God.

ZM 931 A
We generally think of ourselves as being okay character-trait wise, with only a few that need more attention. So isn't this 10-part series on improving traits really overdoing it? In his introductory talk, Rabbi Zeldman takes to task the notion that most of our traits are neutral and need little or no work. Hear also the 'God factor,' and how to turn each growth experience into a spiritual growing event.

ZM 931 B
Why all the fuss about self-improvement? Is being a little lazy really so terrible? Rabbi Zeldman's clear, warm, and interesting style helps us understand why it's in our best interest to bother with character development, and describes the traits are the most sensible and appropriate to begin with.

ZM 931 C
Ok, fine, we admit that we have to work on ourselves and our midos (traits), but how do we know where to start? In this talk, Rabbi Zeldman gives a few pointers on how to discover our areas of weakness and strength in order to assess where to begin. Once you find the areas you need to work on, you've struck gold!! Now you can think about changing yourself for the better. A great talk in this series.

ZM 931 D
When a person realizes that a certain trait they have needs improvement, appreciate how that trait can manifest itself in many different forms. Hear a sure way to dig a bit deeper into the reasons behind your actions, and how to work out strategies to straighten them out. Rabbi Zeldman's soft and clear voice delivers a key talk on developing yourself into the better person you hope to be.

ZM 931 E
Is it hypothetically possible for a person to have perfect character traits åÐ without also having a connection to G-d? Rabbi Zelman's clear and warm explanation shows how attaining good middos is helped along by having a desire to do the mitzvos. Hear how such an effort doesn't sentence you to a life of servitude, but turns your focus on feeling of growth and a closeness to Hashem.