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WN 790 N

Happiness is today's most sought after pleasure - and also the most elusive. What's going on? Most of us were much happier as children. And now, regardless of how much fame, power or security we have, even a minimal level of happiness seems harder to attain - and maintain. Rabbi Weinberg gives us sound Jewish advice to break common unhappiness habits, regain lost optimism, and how to increase our daily energy level to live a more rewarding and enjoyable life. The tape or CD of this class contains Way #27 and #28

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SG 800 A

Holding a dual doctorate in Nuclear Physics and Oceanography from MIT, along with high-level research in chemistry and planetary sciences, Dr. Gerald Schroeder has a decided edge over most of today's “honored” Bible critics. Hear, in very down to earth terms, how he reconciles the Biblical account of creation with the scientific understanding of what could very likely have transpired “In the Beginning.”


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DH 611

Modern Sleeping Beauties rarely find their 'happily ever after.' Rabbi Braverman presents an interesting approach to find true love, your soul mate, and a happy marriage. So set some preconceptions aside for a revolutionary new way to become committed to your present or future marriage partner with the same commitment as you have to your hands and legs.



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GT 952

Are there things you've always dreamed of doing but never quite got around to them? Rabbi Glaser explains the 'inner loop' of thoughts and emotional patterns that prevent us from moving them forward. Discover how to override this inner block for rekindling all the dreams that were slowly fading away.

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GA 000

 Rabbi Geller has found a new spin for understanding the Torah. He doesn't call it a storybook or a history book, but a collection of 'elements' that are of prime interest to God. In this single whirlwind journey through all the 5 Books of Moses hear many of the different ways and levels the written Torah can be perceived. He is funny, engaging and answers key questions that many wonder about.



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KE 809 A

Explore seven remarkable milestones of Jewish history that defy nature and science. Join Rabbi Spiro for a roller-coaster ride through Jewish history as he examines seven unusually unique prophecies, and shows clearly how each one has been verified by actual recorded events in history.

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SS 216

Many symbols and secrets are embedded in the letters of the Hebrew language. The Torah tells us that God told Adam to name to every animal. After studying one after the next, he gave them the appropriate name that matched its essence. Rabbi Silinsky breaks down several Hebrew words in his upbeat delivery demonstrating many amazing wonders within the Hebrew language.

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BY 782
Rav Berkovits explains how the world operates, and the sphere our eternal Soul dwells in. One example is that if you believe God answers all our prayers, and that by your wishing a light to go on - and poof - we all know it doesn't work like that. So learn how a balanced spiritual diet can enlighten and brighten your entire outlook on life.
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WN 790 A

To be 'Constantly Aware' sounds like a lot of hard work, but Judaism sees it as how to find out what makes you tick in order to enjoy your life to the fullest. This first 48 Ways to Wisdom explains the five ways to fully appreciate all the good, all the wisdom and all the pleasure that permeates the world around you. Rav Noah Weinberg presents a down to earth Jewish formula for unlocking your potential - with loads of wit and wisdom. Many hear to A-WAY-A-DAY as they count the Omer.

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WD 626 B

By examining the psychology of our generation, Rebbetzin Weinberg shows how to present Torah concepts in a positive way, without compromising discipline or structure. Hear what happens when we ourselves violate a Divine instruction for living, and what message this inevitably sends to our children.

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