What will times be like when the Moshiach comes? Are there things that need to be set in motion to bring it about? Rebbetzin Heller teaches us all this from the second chapter of Tehillim. By exploring the deep and beautiful words of Dovid HaMelech, she paints a picture of the potential we can actualize by passionately awakening our hearts.
Rebbetzin Heller gleans these valuable lessons from the 3rd chapter of Tehillim: how to respond to events which we blame ourselves for; how to swallow necessary rebuke; and how to achieve personal salvation even in the midst of suffering. She also reviews the story of David's test with Batsheva and how it led to the tragic rebellion of his son Avshalom.
Rebbetzin Heller considers the 5th perek to be King David's 'prayer on how to pray.' She walks us through sentence by sentence explaining the different methods of prayer, and how we can quickly activate the spiritual mechanisms that are within prayer during our deepest times of need.
How does physical suffering sanctify our bodies in this world? In this excellent talk, Rebbetzin Heller goes through the sixth perek of Tehillim and explains this often hard to understand topic. Also hear how Bris Mila ties into this idea of physical suffering leading to perfection and how it moves us to grow. A great talk!
Do we really fear God, or do our actions that show up as fear reflect a piety stemming from societal influences? Rebbetzin Heller maps out the three levels of fearing God, and describes how our soul is entrapped in the physical world, and how we slowly gather the information we need to break the body's hold on us.
Besides cleaning the home before Pesach, the chance for purifying your heart is also close at hand. There were four ancient rivers that flowed from Eden. Each symbolizes a glittering attraction that pulls us away from God. From this, Mrs Heller explains the idea of why four cups of wine.
The soul-changing path of Counting the Omer extends from Pesach until Shavuos, from the despair of slavery to the magnificent light of Sinai, and how the seven s'firos of kaballah take us from personal change to redemption. Rebbetzin Heller brings practicality and depth to these seven primary traits, and wonderful stories to touch the core of your soul.
As the Torah was being transmitted atop the smoky, tumultuous mountain of Sinai, the rest of the world fell into deep silence. Rebbetzin Heller explains how each entity in the world, including the inanimate, are essentially alive and in touch with Hashem. Hear hilarious stories about keeping God in the picture - even as we struggle with all the 'emergencies' of life.
Anyone who has grappled with loneliness will attest to the veracity of the old adage ‘companionship or death.’ So why do we crave it so desperately, and then, what ultimately makes it work out? Rebbetzin Heller describes how being a good friend is not only helping another bear their burdens, to get things off their chest, or even to help them get married. Hear the deeper soul returns in cultivating true friends.
We rarely perceive ourselves as holy beings, which consequently hinders us seeing others as holy and entitled to greater respect. Rebbetzin Heller picks apart the negative thoughts and speech we use as we respond to those we feel a bit less than perfect. How can we see others as they truly are humans with faults, yet imbued with a Godliness equal to our own?