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- Judaism mp3s
More than just the first female, Eve, a.k.a Chava, is in fact the ideal role model for all women. Join Rebbetzin Heller as she delves into the text to discover Chava's essential function and her unique qualities. Hear fascinating insights on the male/female dynamic, the woman's domestic inclination, and coping with the unavoidable process of aging.
Venture into a rarely discussed chapter of Torah to meet those influential personalities who set into play many societal norms we live by today. Hear penetrating insights on issues that continue plaguing us, such as the connection between a violent society and the exploitation of women, and how the life-choices made today will affect future generations. Rebbetzin Heller also probes other important concerns that society endlessly grapples with.
It was the perfect shidduch ... or was it? "But Yitz, don't you know who Rivka's father was, and, do you know what kind of a brother she has! And what about her shadchan's own shady past?" Rivka's climb to self-perfection tested every single one of her positive - and negative traits - which underneath it all seem to have a striking resemblance to our very own trials and tribulations. Rebbetzin Heller also spices up this talk with a humorous guide for finding 'the right one' in today's shidduch scene.
The word 'God' is translated rather loosely in the English language, leaving us with a vague understanding of who God is or what He stands for. In Judaism God has many names, each lending a new insight for how He becomes more accessible. Rebbetzin Heller defines some of these names, and how to make a stronger connection with God through His commandments.
If we had true belief in God's omnipotent ability to direct our lives towards the greatest good, wouldn't we then be totally anxiety free? And is there any redeeming factor from our cycle of negative thoughts that eats us up? Rebbetzin Heller draws a surprising conclusion, there are things to worry about in life, but perhaps different from what we might think.
Starting the month of Elul we add the Perek 'L'Dovid Hashem Ori' to our prayers. But what does this Psalm have to do with teshuvah; the process of returning to our true selves? Rebbetzin Heller deals with many of the fears and obstacles that sprinkle our lives, and despite our aversion to them, she helps us appreciate the enormous potential they have in drawing us closer to Hashem.
Starting the month of Elul we add the Perek 'L'Dovid Hashem Ori' to our prayers. But what does this Psalm have to do with teshuvah; the process of returning to our true selves? Rebbetzin Heller deals with many of the fears and obstacles that sprinkle our lives, and despite our aversion to them, she helps us appreciate the enormous potential they have in drawing us closer to Hashem.
Starting the month of Elul we add the Perek 'L'Dovid Hashem Ori' to our prayers. But what does this Psalm have to do with teshuvah; the process of returning to our true selves? Rebbetzin Heller deals with many of the fears and obstacles that sprinkle our lives, and despite our aversion to them, she helps us appreciate the enormous potential they have in drawing us closer to Hashem.
Rebbetzin Heller presents a fascinating insight on why we were designed as such questioning beings, and how this nudges us forward to seek the eternal within. Hear a unified picture of serving Hashem plus a surprising answer on why we often force God to withhold the very things we desire so much.