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- Judaism mp3s

Many of us are familiar with Ruth, but Rebbetzin Heller explores different angles of the story often left not discussed. Why was Elimelech in the wrong for leaving when he knew he would fail in his job of sustaining the nation in time of famine? What do the names of his two sons teach us – and who were they reincarnations of? And how did Boaz’s response to meeting Ruth show his great spiritual flexibility?

Often the gap between the goal of who we would like to be, and who we are is great – and worse, the path to get there is unclear at best. One of the ways to achieve self mastery is by analyzing people who have succeeded in attaining it. Rebbetzin Heller focuses on Ruth and her great descendent David, finding within them the courage it takes to face tests, change, and move on to the next challenge.

Teshuva is the process of unraveling baked-in mistakes. Rebbetzin Heller helps us break through negative patterns that prevent us from shedding excess baggage, and how to best maneuver past obstacles that hinder us from successfully transforming our lives.

Yom Kippur is awesome, but also long and confusing. Rebbetzin Heller reviews the purpose of each prayer one at a time. Hear a concise, meaningful explanation of what to expect during each segment of the day, which parts you should be careful not to miss, and when are the best times to catch a break. After this talk any fear of getting lost in shul on Yom Kippur will be a thing of the past.

Differences in gender roles exist. Just proposing to discuss such a topic ruffles feathers and puts us on guard. Rebbetzin Heller diffuses the tension and explains common misconceptions on how Orthodox Judaism views the feminine role. Hear crystal clarity on hot topics like female Rabbis, modesty laws, and women in the synagogue.

Is competing in society by becoming more masculine the only way to succeed in this world? Rebbetzin Heller offers an alternative way for women to attain a more satisfying internal success. She reviews the special commandments given only to women, and .also the commandments women are not obligated in, and shows the distinctions in style between how men and women pray and study. Hear how to reach greater fulfillment with a path tailor-made for you, instead of struggling to grow into a man's shoes

Do you ever stop and notice how you respond when something doesn’t go your way? Being able to spot negative curve balls can change your perspective in life. Rebbetzin Heller explains how to track down your inner wealth and how these discoveries will motivate you towards more personal accomplishment, and add a good measure of elasticity to your temperament.

This hilarious new CD features 11 tracks about Frum Fairytales, Frum Kids, Frum Life, Shmiras HaLashon, Knock-Knock jokes you've NEVER heard before, and much more! Almost an hour of hysterical Kosher Komedy- Kosher for men, women and children. With references by Rav Zev Leff, Rebbetzin Tzipporah Heller, Author Miriam Adahan and Rabbi Shimon Apisdorf.
For more information:www.KosherKomedy.com.