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BY 525
Passover is full of contradictions. We see symbols of wealth and symbols of slavery. We celebrate peace and pain at the same time. We also hear why we're the most hated of nations, yet the most beloved of God. Rav Berkovits so beautifully articulates the underlying message within our season of freedom.
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GA 713 F

The end of the Haggadah looks at our religion compared to other cultures and beliefs. Each generation of the world found gods or ideals they thought they could rely on. We as Jews know that the One G-d is the Ultimate deity. This value has made us search for depth in life no matter how much it seems we have. Rabbi Geller wraps up this series with a fascinating understanding of the beautiful songs at the end of the Haggadah.

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KI 520 B
The Haggadah is a document that reflects the ethic of education. As such, it must address the unique needs of each child. Rabbi Kahn examines the wicked son's good question, and the seemingly harsh response that followed. Hear a fascinating expose on the Christian view that Passover is not required today due to their savior's redemption - an ideological struggle we continue to contend with.
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KY 026 A
The very first commandment we were given as a nation was to sanctify the new moon, which carried with it the responsibility for the dates of the holidays that fall within each month. What connotation does the cycle of the moon and our relationship to it carry about our spiritual greatness, and how does it connect to the holiday of Passover that this portion precedes?
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KY 520 B

On this night, we are told: Tell your children all the events of our redemption from Egyptian bondage. The Pesach Seder is the optimum time for embedding our beliefs into their lives. Hear the rock-bottom, essential message that children need to hear - mainly from their parents, and throughout the year as well.

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WG 014 G
At this time of year which is called Shovevim, it is especially propitious to work on leading even holier lives, sanctifying every aspect of our engagement with the materialistic world. This week Rabbi Wagensberg discusses how the 10 shperot are basically different ways which teach us the importance of living a life of purity. PS - there are lots of great Passover Seder material in this talk.
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WG 022/23 D

For most of us, it is very challenging, if not impossible, to make positive change in the most difficult aspects of our lives and yet there are certain times throughout the Jewish year which are propitious for starting over again and accomplishing these goals. In this fascinating talk, Rabbi Wagensberg shares with us how the month of Nissan is the absolute greatest time for rejuvenation. In this lecture, we will find out the striking difference between the nations of the world and the Jewish people and what God's expectations are of each, which like a beautiful tapestry, will prepare us for the upcoming mitzvah - birchas ha-chama, this year on the eve of Passover. A real must, which will also shed light on what Kiddush levana is during the rest of the year.

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WG 520 D
Passover is a wonderful time for family and friends to be together. If you're wondering why this night is different than other Pesach nights, hear Rabbi Wagensberg pack fun and informative ideas throughout the proscribed stages of seder night.
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