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Title Match: Chanukah
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AG 715

In this masterful overview of the Jewish Calendar year, Rabbi Goldhar defines how 'Jewish time' really works by giving us a visual picture of how the 12 Jewish Holidays fit together as a unified, cyclical process of personal growth through the four seasons of the year.

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BY 550 B

The Chanukah story is unique among Jewish successes. Without prophecy to guide them, this small group of freedom fighters changed the face of the Jewish nation forever. Inspire this Chanukah with more meaning and understanding.

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BY 551
When is the best time to light? Are some menorahs or wicks better than others? Where and how should you place your menorah - inside the home, or outside your front door? Hear all the pertinent details for lighting your Chanukia during the weekdays and before Shabbos.
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CA 010 A

Pharoah's dream of the skinny cows swallowing the fat cows reads far deeper than it's storybook narrative. Rabbi Carmell peels away a few layers to reveal truths about how good can never die. Hear how the holy spark within each Jew can never be extinguished, and how it connects to the one flask of pure oil that was found on Chanukah.

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JO 550 B

The glorious Greek Empire epitomized a regime that was meticulous to hide the slightest hint that our beautiful world had anything to do with God. Hear the extent they tried to eradicate any and all traces of Jewish values, and how Chanukah became the tool to strip away its empty external splendor they held up so high.

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NE 550
The Greeks craftily avoided forcing the Jews to sin against their beliefs. They simply forbade them to perform a few positive mitzvos. How did they discover our weak spot, and how did it backfire to generate in us even more enthusiasm for our beliefs? This class is powerful, but short - and free. Enjoy this Chanukah gift as a taste of the inspiring insights packed into our great selections.
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ON 550 B

Ever wonder about the symbolism in 'Hashem is our Rock'? A crystal clear explanation comes the famous dispute between Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel on the order of lighting the Menorah. However, this dispute also sparks a discussion on how to view the concept of 'time'. Knowing which attitude you personally hold can shed a crack of light on the nature of your personality.

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WG 010 C
Did you ever have a dream that felt so real and then suddenly wake up and realize that the whole experience was just a figment of your imagination? Sometimes this is how life itself is, sometimes we make certain choices and get involved in various activities to then later realize that we must have been sleeping when we got involved in those scenarios. We begin to ask ourselves, 'What was I thinking? Was I sleeping?' And the answer often is: Yes. And then sometimes we regret having ever gotten involved to begin with. In this talk, Rabbi Wagensberg once again, reveals to us, another dimension and a different angle, on how to view what happens in our lives. In this class, we will discover how the Chanukah candles with all that they represent, can shed light into the darkest chapters of our lives and wake us up from our slumber.
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WG 550 B
The Menorah has different branches - each one sending a unique light out to the world. Rabbi Wagensberg invites us all to learn the beauty within every branch of Torah Judaism, by experiencing our individuality on the one hand, and yet being completely committed to the Torah's entirety on the other hand.
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WY 113 A
Rav Yaakov Weinberg goes through 'Mai Chanukah' inside (gamorah) along with the halachos that arise on Chanukah. He delves into each point along the way. Some items included are: the need for Chanukah lights, when to light, and the importance of pirsumei nisa.
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