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Title Match: Chanukah
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BY 550 A

The most impressive victory against the mighty Greek empire was a small but significant revolt from the Jewish people. Even still, the Jewish nation was not surprised by this victory. There was an extremely threatening ideological issue at stake. Hear a most articulate speaker discuss this intense power struggle.

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GA 550

Listen to the dramatic story of Chanukah - from the first seeds of what bothered the Greeks about Jewish belief to the final triumph of the Maccabees. Hear the inner miracles of the Menorah lights, and how the true light of knowledge, which Jews put their lives on the line for, continues to burn brightly.

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KE 806 FF
The Greek rulers demanded the Temple's Hellenized High Priest to sacrifice a pig, which he did. A few defenders of pure Jewish values started an all-out guerrilla war against the entire Greek army. Fought in the foothills between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, the Maccabean revolt produced the miracle of Chanukah - which ushered in the Hasmonean dynasty. None the less, riddled by low morale and religious decay, Jewish independence eventually submitted to the heel of Rome.
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KI 550
Most have heard the basic Chanukah story between the Greeks and Jews. However, there was a deeper civil war going on at the same time between the 'old Jews' and the 'new enlightened Hellenized Jews'. Hear the background and outcome of this intense and tragic struggle for cultural supremacy.
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LZ 550 D

How do physical and spiritual forces connect, and work together? Rabbi Leff examines the concepts of performing symbolic acts, dreams and miracles to show how the spiritual realm is able to be manipulated - with care. A different look at the powers of Chanukah.

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WD 511
On that day a great light was formed, and a great portion of it was tucked away for the world to come. But some of this special light still appears on Friday night during candle lighting. Rebbetzin Weinberg describes how to prepare yourself for getting a glimpse of this hidden beauty.
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WG 008 E
If you've ever wondered just how much light can be found in even the lowest of places then this class is a must! Once again, Rabbi Wagensberg unravels the mystery behind Esau's poisoned and polluted exterior. This lecture is certain to leave you with a feeling that there is so much that lays beneath the surface and how it connects to Channukah.
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WG 009
Rabbi Wagensberg gave this talk when Chanukah coincided with Parshas Vayeishev. He looks into the parsha and pesukim about Chanukah to answer many questions that arise, including halachos about Chanukah, the menorah in the time of the Beis Hamikdash, and more! Rabbi Wagensberg also explores the idea of outer and inner light and the way it corresponds to different types of wisdom. A very interesting talk!
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WG 550

If you usually skip over the Parsha Talks, give a listen to Rabbi Wagensberg. His dynamic style gives an exciting twist to each week's parsha, which often sprouts from a fascinating new vantage point.

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WY 550 A

The Greeks were quite magnanimous to allow all the nations they conquered the freedom to practice their own pagan religion åÐ so long as Greek culture became an integral part of their lifestyle. What specifically was it about Jewish belief that enraged the Greek nation to stamp it out? Hear how Torah SheåÕBaal Peh (the Oral Torah) become the light and strength behind their victory.

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