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Title Match: Jewish Law
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BX 634 B

As we all know, tznius (modesty) encompasses way more than the length of a hemline. In a talk to women, Rebbetzin Braunstein discusses the pressing issues that local communities constantly battle with, and tactfully reexamines some of the boundaries which are inadvertently crossed. Topics range from talking to men in the workplace to bungalow gab sessions. This important class is for married women of all ages, designed to bring about a deeper level of dignity. Don't miss this one.

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BY 520 D

If you are planning to spend Pesach in a non-observant home, don't panic, your holiday experience can be fulfilling - as well as halachically correct. Based on many years of experience, Rav Berkovits counsels how to deal with most of the problems that usually arise. Hear how to prepare the home, and run a meaningful seder - without offending your hosts. Learn what must be done, and where you can be lenient to ensure an enjoyable Pesach experience for all.

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BY 641 H

Rav Berkovits gives a broad look at the laws of Kashrus, covering the basics as well as areas you may have been unaware of. Knowing what goes into making meat and chicken kosher (even if don't plan on doing it yourself), how to deal with buggy foods, and many other important subjects can help you know when there is a potential problem, and what to ask.

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GA 760 L
Why does God care what goes into our mouths? Could it really be that harmful? How does keeping kosher contribute to self control, or in elevating your spiritual strength? Rabbi Geller explains the metaphysical reactions of mixing meat and milk, ingesting bugs and more. Also hear why we tithe all produce grown in the land of Israel.
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GA 760 M
Why does "saying God's name in vain" have such grave consequences? Aren't we beyond that now? Rabbi Geller clears up this misconception by explaining the inherent importance attached to vows and oaths - even in the small responses we make. Also explained is the Nazarite rite of not drinking wine or taking haircuts, and the specific agricultural laws that apply to the land of Israel.
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GA 760 N
In this final overview of 'Journey Through the Mitzvos' series, Rabbi Geller reviews the following key ingredients to live a wholesome Jewish life: blessings and prayer, the beauty of Sabbath, symbols of Jewish living, and the holidays. Rabbi Geller is energetic and entertaining, and guaranteed to give you a speedy crash course in Jewish thought and practice.
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LH 504 H
Women don't feel left out, in this segment we delve into the obligations of prayer that you have and how it applies to you daily. We also take some time to probe into some of the hidden secrets found in pesukei D'Zimrah. Did you ever wonder why Sephardim always spread open their palms while reciting the Ashrei - are we waiting to catch something from the heavens? The truth is - YES; hear all this and more in this grand finally of Pesukei D'Zimrah
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LH 511 B
Am I to light two, four, or seven candles before Shabbat? Where do all these different Minhagim come from? According to Minhag Bnei Sepharad, where is the best location to light candles considering the place the menorah was lit in the Bet Hamikdash? Our talented guide Rabbi Levy doesn't leave you in the dark about any of these questions.
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LH 511 D
Making a Beracha on the candles is an integral part of this mitzvah. It has practical ramifications on when a person is bound to accept Shabbat, and when they must cease from performing melachot. With encyclopedic breadth Rabbi Levy uses the Ben Ish Chai as a springboard for understanding the significance of when to make the Beracha using the different opinions of contemporary poskim.
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RS 018 A

What are the different interpretations of 'na'aseh v'nishmah' which the Jews said at Sinai, and which earned each Jew two shining crowns? Hear the direct path to learn Torah 'lishmah' plus many other classical vorts contained in this weeks parsha. Tailored for the Shabbos Table.

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