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Title Match: Jewish Law
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LH 501 C
There are numerous situations that necessitate Netillat Yadayim, for instance: after using the bathroom or cutting one's hair and fingernails. Rabbi Levy wraps up with all the practicalities of this important mitzvah. Sephardic Halachot
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LH 501 E
Hear a snapshot of some of the elementary laws of modesty and physical cleanliness. This discussion highlights how the Torah guides us through every facet of our lives - physically and spiritually.
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LH 503 B
Listen up to the way the Ben Ish Chai made his blessing on the tefillin. As always, Rabbi Levy will use such an opportunity to educate us on guidelines that can be applied to similar cases of berachot. Great, so you are saying the beracha and not pausing, but will the halacha change if the congregation is praying and you end up missing part of the prayer? The Ben Ish Chai delves into the appropriate times of when to put on tefillin and for reciting the beracha.
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LH 503 C
So we heard how the Ben Ish Chai made the beracha, let's now hear how he put on his own tefillin. Rabbi Levy, in his graphic and descriptive way, makes us feel as if the Ben Ish Hai is standing by our side and putting on tefillin with us - making sure not to leave out any minhagim and secrets that make studying the Ben Ish Chai so special. There's more - hear the real reason Bnei Sepharad wear the tefillin of Rabbeinu Tam as well.
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LH 503 F
In this shiur, the Ben Ish Chai teaches us how to attain the utmost kedusha and beracha from our tefillin. Before we leave this special mitzvah, let's take a look at the power of this Mitzvah and its connection to a Kohen Gadol. Rabbi Levy takes this opportunity to give over some solid Torah hashkafah that we will appreciate long after the class is over.
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LH 504 A
The Ben Ish Hai's chapter on Tefillah begins with understanding the essential power of a tzadik. What different levels can one achieve through prayer and what connection did Adam Harishon have to prayer? This segment reviews the opening morning blessings of Birchot HaShachar and Elohei Neshama describing the praise due for all the daily miracles that recharge our soul and imbue it with daily strength.
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LH 504 D
The Ben Ish Hai has a most eloquent way to explain the prayers of Pesukei Dizimrah. In this segment hear the depth of a few inspiring verses we usually overlook during our morning prayers. Rabbi Levy has a famous 'Israeli cab story' that will stay with you always.
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LH 504 G
There are certain Halachot that we encounter everyday that we promise ourselves to clarify but never get to it! Well this segment deals with some of them - "What can I answer if I am praying and hear kadish, kedushah or the like? How long do I have to pray Pesukei D'Zimrah?" In this packed shiur we continue on our quest of perfecting our prayer experience. We veer away from the Ben Ish Chai for a moment and fill in with some laws that complete our knowledge of Pesukei D'Zimrah and its ramifications in Halacha.
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LZ 529 A
The Jewish people and the Torah are two sides of the same coin. Without the Jewish people, there would not be a Torah, and without the Torah, could there be a Jewish people? Join Rabbi Leff for the dynamics of this symbiotic relationship, the effect of each person's name, and other connections that came about at Har Sinai.
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SW 712
When life gets messy with tons of extra stress and responsibilities, it's easy to loose track of energizing opportunities, hopes and goals. Hear how the Shabbat is a beautiful time to reconnect to the quiet of your inner self - where everything you truly hold dear is in easier reach.
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