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Title Match: Jewish Law
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BY 350 B
This in-depth advanced class discusses the various shittos of understanding sheker (falsehood). Many everyday examples are given to show the parameters. Some questions discussed are: to what extent can I mislead someone even if what I'm technically saying is the truth? Can I lie if it has no consequences whatsoever, or even if it's no one else's business anyway?
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LH 501 B
What should you do if you forgot to wash your hands in the morning? And what's the procedure for washing your hands if you slept during the day? Also hear special words of advice from the sages on raising young children to remain spiritually pure.
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LH 501 D
We are all familiar with our human body, but the Ben Ish Hai sees all the body's intricate spiritual connections. Listen to how the physical body and all its mundane functions are linked to the struggle between good and bad.
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LH 502 D
Putting together all the loose ends of tzitzit: How did the staircase pattern of the strings get into how we tie the tzitzit? Let's get technical with machine tzitzit - how good could they really be? How long do the strings need to be? In a special feature, Rabbi Levy reveals some not so common Sephardic sources and dives into the depths of tzitzit and how it ties in with all the 613 mitzvot in mind.
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LH 503 A
What better way to introduce the mitzvah of Tefillin than by explaining how donning them increases a person's material abundance. On the practical side, what should I think before I put on Tefillin, and does it matter? Why are we so careful to put them on the muscle of our arm, and above our forehead? What do I perform first, Tzitzit or Tefillin - and why? And for Sepharadim who love to say brachot - why don't they recite two brachot, one on the Tefillin Shel Rosh and one on the Tefillin Shel Yad as the Ashkenazim and Chassidim do?
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LH 503 D
More Hilchot Rabbeinu Tam, but on a higher level: If these tefillin are so great, why don't we make a beracha on them as well? In steps the Ramchal for a special appearance and his explanation on the role tefillin have in perfecting a Jew.
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LH 511 C
All men have a few burning questions here. Why do women have a monopoly on this mitzvah, and is there a small portion of this mitzvah that also applies to them? How and where should a husband light when he stays in a hotel on a business trip? We also learn where and when to light on college campuses and in dorm rooms. Hear how various halachic authorities trace the Sephardic Minhagim back to the Shulchan Aruch.
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SI 905

Take a break with a light talk as Rebbetzin Shain shares personal anecdotes and poignant stories on the wonderful rewards of doing mitzvos. Hear how the links from one mitzvah to the next form an unbreakable chain to guard you - even when your guard is down. As always, you'll be lifted by her spunky, humorous style.

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WY 620
Even though the Torah is absolute, the rabbis were given permission to tweak it at times in order to compensate for the world's declining state. Rabbi Yaakov Weinberg zt"l gives examples of how even a small tikun (change), unapproved by the Gedolim can tragically alter the inner balance of Jewish life. He also discusses how certain actions and thoughts, which don't necessarily make you 'feel' closer to God, can create a hidden spiritual energy to strengthen your emunah and avodah.
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WY 780 B
For those promoting secular social justice, one of the hardest ideas to stomach is that Jews consider themselves the Chosen Nation. Perhaps people espouse that this belief is similar to the Nazi's pride in the Aryan race? Rabbi Weinberg spells out exactly why we are chosen, how it reflects our deeper responsibility, and how our perception of it opens many doors for the rest of humanity.
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