For a good laugh, take a step back and hear some typical conversations between men and women. If you didn't know better you’d think they were conversing in different languages. Lisa Aiken points out these differences are legitimate, and how understanding the differences can save you lots of grief. Practical topics discussed are how feminine and masculine needs differ, how each side relates to intimacy, and which style each side uses to communicate.
In this series given to men, Rav Berkovits offers invaluable council and practical guidelines for choosing your 'eizer knegdo.' Pertinent questions addressed in this shiur are: 'How do I know she is for me?' 'Why doesn't she attract me?' 'Why am I so confused about what I want? Very real dating issues are what this talk is all about.
In a session given to young married men on Shalom Bayis, Rav Berkovits pinpoints key encounters between the Matriarchs and Patriarchs that set down fundamental rules for marriage. How could Rivka trick Yitzchak? Why did Yaakov speak so harshly to Rochel? When is silence the better part of valor and can you learn to offer non-judgmental opinions when you feel your wife is wrong? Hear this insightful and even humorous talk examinng how the Torah is still our most reliable guide for domestic peace.
This class is geared for the unmarried secular men. Rabbi Denbo begins by saying how finding the right girl today is so very tough, but the ongoing investment to build and bond this relationship is a hundred times more. There are three critical areas that married men face today. One of them men find easy, but one of the other two which are discussed will be absolute torture without prior instruction.
One of Dovid HaMelech's most favored wives, Avigail, had a horrible husband before she married Dovid. Mrs. Juravel gives a narrative of her growth despite her awful marriage, and how she courageously stood up to save her first husband’s life. An important talk on applying wisdom with discretion.
If we speak lashon hara about our husbands, or embarrass them in any way, are we destroying the trust and healthy relationship we’ve tried so hard to establish? If we were to learn some classic tips on constructive criticism and better ways to introduce and discuss an issue, would it help keep the lines of communication open to hear the differences of opinion that a healthy marriage is constantly faced with?
Attaining and maintaining good communication with your spouse is a pillar of a happy marriage. Rabbi Morgenstern explains the four channels of communication we need to keep open and operative. Learn how to find quality time with each other, despite all the day-to-day hustle and bustle.
When two people coming from different backgrounds get married, they necessarily need to be extra accommodating to one another. Rabbi Orlowek explains why men and women were created so very different, and offers a few suggestions for eliminating a lot of petty misunderstandings for you to reap the most benefit from your first, most important year of marriage.
A kiruv professional can just as easily run into the same shalom bayis issues that plague busy doctors or rabbis, resulting from the tremendous demands made on their time and the emotional energy they must constantly expend. Rabbi Orlowek discusses how to avoid the pitfalls of this highly fulfilling mode of life, and how to make quality time for one's spouses and children.