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Title Match: Marriage
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KL 613
Why do people dread committing to marriage? Rabbi Kelemen reveals a striking point: men and women fear different things, which is the very area that represents their role and greatest potential for happiness. Hear dating rules, signs to know if you've found the one, and great tips for building warm, loving relationships.
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KY 657
Abraham set down the foundation of the Jewish people through his son Yitzchak and his grandson Yaakov. This threesome planted deep roots ensuring the tree's eternal spiritual growth. Rabbi Kirzner questions the outcome of those left outside this lineage by examining the Jewish soul, who we are as a people, and the ramifications of intermarriage.
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MC 612 B
Rabbi Morgenstern's class on dating begins by reviewing these necessary elements for being sure a shidduch is remotely compatible: looks, chemistry, and communication. He then moves on to the topics of marriage and general hashkafah, and dealing with indecision. Learn how to 'wrap things up' and the appropriate behavior during the engagement.
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NY 625 J
Chavah’s choice in Gan Eden created weaknesses within us that must be healed through the struggles Hashem specifically gave to women forever. The dependence on Hashem that is so much a part of a woman’s life has the capacity to help us create a relationship of closeness and love. Rebbetzin Neustadt continues to discuss how prayer intersects with a woman’s life, how to make time for it, and how to allow it to become a real part of our lives.
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NY 625 Z
Since men and women differ greatly in communication styles, it often happens that their conversations end in frustration. Rebbetzin Neustadt explains the pitfalls women encounter when trying to explain something to their husbands. Hear excellent tools to help ensure that our husbands are being heard - and that we feel understood.
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NY 953 E
The institution of marriage propels most of us through incredible changes, all of which result in growth one way or another. But when your spouse's failings are so consistently upsetting, how can you change your feelings about him? Rebbetzin Neustadt makes you laugh at your own foibles and reassures you of success by understanding her approach to 'accepting your spouse'.
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ON 613 D
Sadly, the initial high that most newly weds experience doesn't last very long. To sustain a fruitful relationship after that first rush of attraction, Rabbi Orlowek helps couples to appreciate the ongoing flow of highs and lows that they'll be encountering throughout their lives.
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TE 613
Is marriage a means to an end, or a goal in itself? Rabbi Tauber explores marital harmony in light of the husbands obligation to create shalom in the home. Does this hold true even where no peace exists? Hear how a human's beings bechira can accomplish the near impossible, and the role love plays in the dynamics.
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WG 611 B
The concepts of love and caring have been so bandied about - without really defining what they mean. Follow Rabbi Wagensberg's fascinating explanation starting from our pre-emptive Egyptian exit to an astounding story of a young girl suffering from paralysis, who hears the secret of bearing the pain of others - revealing to us the unity we can feel being truly bound to another.
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YN 613
Marriage can be beautiful - but never easy. Navigating through the hard times to reach happiness is the test. Rabbi Yegan is a splendid entertainer who shares insightful Torah guidelines for this critical relationship. Hear fascinating stories of great luminaries who teach us basics in respect, connection, appreciation and love.
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