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Title Match: Marriage
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BX 332

A fundamental building block of marriage that is highly misunderstood is Taharas Hamishpacha (family purity). Rebbetzin Braunstein portrays all its power and beauty as she puts every detail into its proper place. It is almost paradoxical that society uses this regal mitzvah to accuse the Orthodox community of maligning their women. In truth, it is a special gift and uplifting privilege that is lovingly given to Bnos Yisrael. (For women only)

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BY 612 C

If you are considering getting married or maybe very close to popping the question, listen up young men as Rav Berkovits shares some great practical advice for the most important decision of your life. Issues addressed: Your responsibilities to your Kallah, spending money, expectations of married life, dealing with parents and in-laws and much more. This talk is a must hear for every chassan, and chassan wannabe.

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BY 613 B
On one hand, you certainly don’t want to ruin a sidduch for anyone, but on the other hand their future may be riding on your words. And how ready are you to accept the consequences of not mentioning an important fact? Rav Berkovits spells out the dos, don'ts, whens and hows - plus some clear clues that signal an unhealthy or abusive character.
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KI 657

It used to be unheard of to marry a non-Jew, but during the last decade this has drastically changed. Rabbi Kahn explores a number of complications that usually arise from intermarrying, and proceeds to describe the unseen pitfalls along the way that most people aren't aware of - until it's too late.

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MC 613 P
Right, when dating your wife you saw mostly her good points, but once you were married it became clear that nobody's perfect? Rabbi Morgenstern delves into this complex relationship where the emphasis on emotions and logic is rarely balanced. Through real-life examples hear excellent advice on how to overlook, and how to live with all your wife's beauty. 
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MC 613 R
When we speak lashon hara about our wives or embarrass them, we are destroying the very trust and close relationship we're trying so hard to establish. By learning the subtle art of constructive criticism and what it takes to properly discuss an issue, we will keep the communication lines open and handle most issues that come up in marriage in a healthy manner.
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TE 620
If marriage was always smooth sailing it’s highly unlikely that both sides would invite all the tests that necessitate couples to work things out. Rabbi Tauber explains the attitude to keep in mind as Hashem injects all sorts of conflicts into our daily lives - thus tempering this holiest of relationships.
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TE 630 C
G-d looked at His creation and decided that it wasn't good for man to be alone, and from there the institution of marriage was established. But why, questions Rabbi Tauber is it not OK for each person to live by themselves? The simple answer is that a single soul would just sit around finding distractions if not forced to grow. The deeper truth is understanding how two souls of opposite gender rub and polish fine the rough diamond of each others soul.
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WG 007 F
Most of us, if not all of us, deeply desire to be married to that special significant other. However, before we tie the knot, it is imperative to understand the nature of the souls who marry, and the ramifications that it has in this world and beyond. In this eye-opening lecture, Rabbi Wagensberg reveals a dimension of the marriage dynamic which is not found in many circles. This talk is a must for anybody contemplating or about to enter marriage. It is likewise crucial for those who are already married, happily or not, and for those who have experienced divorce.
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WY 613
Rabbi Weinberg zeroes in on a number of common misconceptions that Western thought has about marriage, and shows how the Jewish vision of marriage is by far the most satisfying and rewarding of all.
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