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Title Match: Mysticism
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KY 982 C

The delicate balance of good and evil within man is built into the physical structure of the body, allowing us to be affected by our moral choices down to a cellular level. How do we nurture the spirituality within us to achieve health, and how must neglecting our higher soul lead to physical illness? Rabbi Kirzner’s explanation of the Tanya’s holistic view of the body soul connection has mind-blowing ramifications for our view of reward and punishment. An absolute must listen.

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KY 982 D

Rabbi Kirzner continues discussing the ramifications of the connection between spiritual and physical. How does our listening to physical commandments channel the tremendous energy of the soul to the place is can be most used and absorbed? We may feel less of a heady feeling of spirituality once we do the mitzvos, but he proves that we are not robbed of it – we are just able to handle it better.

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KY 982 E

The infant soul, before its journey to live life in the mundane world, is taught Torah by God. It then follows Him on a tremulous tour of the World to Come to view the incredible potential for good and evil such a life affords him. But how are we to understand the soul being forced to swear to view itself as wicked, even if everyone around him sees him as not? Wouldn’t that attitude stifle growth?

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KY 982 F

Rabbi Kirzner continues to define who is righteous and who is wicked by dividing a Jew’s metaphysical being into two souls. The first soul that “lives” in the blood, gives the body its life force. How does this soul spark off the character and personality aspects of a human by touching on the four elements of physical makeup?

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KY 982 G

Rabbi Kirzner continues to define who is righteous and who is wicked by dividing a Jew’s metaphysical being into two souls. The first soul that “lives” in the blood, gives the body its life force. How does this soul spark off the character and personality aspects of a human by touching on the four elements of physical makeup?

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KY 982 H

Are the lowly souls who wallow in spiritually harmful pursuits too far from God to really get connected? The Tanya's view is that there may be some truth to that. Hear the chances our greater Torah personalities have in helping these lower souls find their portion of Divine closeness.

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KY 982 I

The raising of a child begins far before they reach any mental maturity. How does the intent of the parents at the moment of conception and the spiritual stature they have reached affect the nature of the soul they bring into the world? And how do we understand how great souls entered the world in less than desirable circumstances?

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KY 982 J

The greater soul of man is cloaked with three garments – thought, speech, and action. If a person employs those three within the parameters of Torah, their soul becomes fully clothed in Torah. How can these three be put into practice in an appropriate way?

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KY 982 K

What unique place does the learning of Torah occupy in directing the aspect of thought in the right direction by accomplishing two great things? And wouldn’t it seem that the word of God cannot be grasped by our finite minds? Rabbi Kirzner explains how if done correctly, the Torah can enter the soul to become a nurturing light within us.

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KY 982 L

The potential for spiritual greatness that exists in this world is immense – but in equal measure is the amount of harmful forces God created to balance the scale. This concept can be frightening when we contemplate the damage we can wreak on ourselves, but liberating if we realize that in just that measure we can accomplish great things. Rabbi Kirzner uses this concept to answer the fears many have that living a moral and spiritually focused life just can’t entice them in the same way the physical can.

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