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Title Match: Mysticism
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AX 907 A
How great would it be to see all the awesome wonders that happen in your day-to-day life with the same intensity you get from a magnificent sunset? Rabbi Seinfeld explains how many of the 'mundane' Jewish rituals we do are designed as checkpoints to keep us plugged in. Knowing why some things catch our attention and other's fly right by can teach us to pause, and notice the miraculous wonders happening all around us.
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AX 907 B

What is love, where does it come from, and how does​ ​Judaism show us how to cultivate it? ​This core human emotion shows us as finite beings how it is possible to create a relationship with an Infinite being. Learn how 'Shema Yisrael' that we're instructed to say twice a day is a time-honored meditation for developing this awareness.

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GH 801 B
Are the Torah Codes which have been discovered in the Bible a roll of the dice, or are they Divine design? Harold Gans, who for years has been involved in the scientific investigation of the hidden prophesies in the Bible, explains how they were discovered, precisely what these spooky codes are meant to convey, and with a few choice examples shows what awesome odds there are against them being a random roll of 7/11.
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GH 801 C
If you'd like to experience a remarkable sign of God's existence, just follow Mr. Harold Gans incredible journey from the shock waves of the Big Bang, through an analysis of the age of the universe, and onto startling evidence recently discovered in a simple test tube - which only a Higher Hand could have possibly arranged.
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HT 926

Forty days before a person is born, a divine voice proclaims that so-and-so's son will marry so-and-so's daughter. The Malbim claims that this proclamation is actually the original shidduch (match) that binds the body to the soul. Also, while a person is still in the womb, an angel teaches the fetus all of the Torah and then makes it take two oaths before being allowed to be born. Hear Rebbetzin Heller's clear and deliberate explanation of these ideas - but first find a quiet setting to follow her train of thought.

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KY 982 A

This series begins by exploring the damage inflicted on oneself by acting negatively, which also occurs by refraining from doing positive deeds. The 'body—soul' partnership is not as we usually understand it. The Tanya explains how the body is merely a garment covering the soul, which eventually withers and get stripped away. Rabbi Kirzner articulates how the body itself manifests the true nature of the soul that it covers. Hear a unique approach for awakening the feeling of being created in God's Image.

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KY 982 B

Negative actions affect us, but it alters the deeper message of the importance and worth of life and spiritual potential. Since the first sin done by man, the entire mass of humanity became a confusing mixture of good and bad. And to the extent negativity is brought into our system, it becomes a destroyer as it thrives off the energy of the human being. How doe our choices impact the balance of the world in ways we’re unaware of?

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KY 982 C

The delicate balance of good and evil within man is built into the physical structure of the body, allowing us to be affected by our moral choices down to a cellular level. How do we nurture the spirituality within us to achieve health, and how must neglecting our higher soul lead to physical illness? Rabbi Kirzner’s explanation of the Tanya’s holistic view of the body soul connection has mind-blowing ramifications for our view of reward and punishment. An absolute must listen.

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LA 970

Why do people get so attracted to mysticism? Rabbi Lopiansky takes us to the earliest mention of mysticism in Tanach where it explains what it is, and the concentration necessary to appriciate it. Hear how easily it can turn into a mishmash of demon stories that lead to a full array of pseudo spiritual pursuits.

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LC 974
The Hebrew word for mysticism is actually Kabbalah, which means something quite different than its typical English translation. Rebbetzin Legumsky describes in down to earth terms the ten pipelines that God uses to send life force into our souls. She explains the different attributes, and matches each one up to a Jewish personality that exemplified its essence.
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