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Title Match: Personal Growth
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HT 607
Does it sometimes happen that your sense of importance goes to your head? Rebbetzin Heller examines our tendency towards pride and how ego just sweeps us away. How does anger intrinsically connect to an inflated sense of self, and how can we deal with it?
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KJ 968
Life is full of milestones. While many are joyous, they can still result in stress and worry, especially when coupled with tragic circumstances. Follow Rabbi Krohn's journey through the stages of life with inspiring stories of ordinary people who rose above the mundane in their struggle to see light at the end of the tunnel.
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KY 614 B
What sure-fire things can we tell ourselves to keep our cool seconds before we explode? After sharing a few excellent suggestions, Rabbi Kirzner explains an insight on how our own negative actions can end up becoming the negative forces in our lives, and how God’s attribute of delaying punishment can result in something positive. How can we apply this principle to others when they hurt us?
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LO 600
What could God possibly want from us seeing that He never needs our help to accomplish anything? Lori Palatnik says few pleasures compare to the fulfillment of taking on a responsibility that leads to success. Hear the core struggle to overcome which pre-empts the joys of embracing responsibility.
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LZ 953
Energies we gain from following Torah guidelines have deep and far-reaching effects - whether we feel it or not. However, more than the actions we perform is the 'force of will' behind them. Rabbi Leff posits that each individual is given specific inborn middos. Our choice is to fine tune them, or dissipate them with senseless negativity. Hear the art of passing developed middos on to the next generation.
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MC 953 B
We've all had high moments of inspiration, yet part and parcel to those highs is how short-lived they are. What would it take to allow those enlightening times to recharge your life? Rabbi Morgenstern explains the mindset needed to continue growing from those inspiring moments.
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MN 606 C

All human beings want happiness. In fact, God wants us to be in a state of joy even more than we do. Rebbetzin Karlinsky discusses being joyous even when we're in pain, and how reaching for a higher level of faith will help us ride over troubling times. She also discusses the necessity to set time aside for things we enjoy, plus tips on being a more joyful role model in the home.


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ON 951 C
Can wisdom be measured? Rabbi Orlowek examines the concept of how something that is thought-out can be a vital sign towards one's mental acuity. How is this capacity compared to eyesight, and how can we learn to live in a way that factors in the consequences of our actions?
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PS 616 A
All parents want their children's highest potential, but under it all we wish the same for us. The capacity to be silent at the edge of exploding in anger or hurt, or holding back harsh words can quickly earn you great merit. Rav Pincus describes the motivation for taking on such a noble effort.
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WN 626
We teach our children to pray, what's important, and which mitzvos they should perform. But how much have we really educated them? Rav Noah's sharp insights help us get in touch with our children's fears and foibles, yet keeping their Judaism fresh and relevant along the way.
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