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Title Match: Politics
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KE 895 A
The evolution of modern political thinking and liberal democracy began when the Protestants fled Europe to the United States, making the US the second most Biblical nation to ever exist. Hear how Judaism played a pivotal role in shaping world values and the directions those ideals have evolved.
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KY 952 E
Rabbi Kirzner takes a look at Abraham’s discovery of God, his mission to teach monotheism to the world, and how they became the origin of the Jewish nation's ultimate mission. Learn why the Land of Israel is an ideal place to carry out this assignment, and how much it really jibes with current political attitudes.
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LD 687
Being a Jewish leader is tougher job then for all other leaders. Jews holding positions of power must be extra careful not to malign God's Name, Chillul Hashem, in any way. Hear the responsibilities decision makers shoulder, and the serious repercussions they may bring about in the future without the proper sensitivities.
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LD 877 N
With all the funding from the States to Israel and all the active lobbying they do on Israel's behalf, aren't they compelling reasons for the US to have the right to voice its opinion on Israeli political policies? Is this true, or even fair? Dr Luchins speaks from a pet peeve by relating the collateral damage done from anything less than 100% support for the State of Israel.
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LD 877 S
With all the power and influence the USA has in the world, is Israel really so fortunate to have them as such a 'close friend'? Join Dr. Luchins as he examines the pros and cons of Israel's alliance with America. He then jumps into a fascinating analysis of how Communism, and now the war on terrorism, have skewed our view of international politics.
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LD 877 T
The Middle East is a hotbed of regime changes and political upheaval. Are there ways to explain the current chaos? Dr. Luchins examines the emerging nationalism in Europe, and it's steady march into Arab countries. Hear a seasoned analysis of American intervention and Arab fundamentalism, and how Israel fits into the mix.
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LD 881 G
For a president who professes to be Israel's best friend, with close ties to many influential Jews, his stance is confusing. Is he really a closet anti-Semite? Why all the pressure on Israel? Join Dr. Luchins for an honest analysis of our president, and a fair comparison between him and previous presidents.
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LD 890 H

With the 2016 Presidential Elections coming up, it is a good time to get a few of the objective facts that surround it. Listen to politician Dr. David Luchins discuss his take on this hot topic.

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LD 894 A
As a nation, what truly unites us and what divides us? As the Jewish nation enjoys greater freedom and prestige, we've also become more polarized in the area of religion and the State of Israel. Dr. David Luchins analyzes the issues which are causing tempers to flair, and explains where they are leading the current status quo.
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LZ 879 A
Whether Yom Ha'atzmaut is to be treated as a Yom Tov or not is a hot potato. Rabbi Leff diffuses the tension by first explaining the halachic background and the different forms of salvation that signal a day of celebration. He goes on to ask whether European rabbis made a mistake by guiding their communities away from pre-Holocaust aliyah?
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