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Title Match: Purim
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CA 020 B
The highest crown of all is Torah. Have you ever considered that your deeper values express the incredible Jew hidden within? And hear how 'Zachor' shows why Purim is superior, even to Yom Kippur.
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JO 553 J
Amalek's desert attack on weary travelers was an act of cruelty. But why the extreme command to utterly wipe them out? Follow a beautiful class on the all encompassing dangers of Amalek and why Shabbos is the ultimate antidote for the gloom and doom they intended. Knowing why will help you feel more beloved and cared for.
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KI 554 B
Once Esther entered Achashverosh's chambers to plead for her people, her marriage to that evil man was irrevocable. How did this righteous queen's precedent cause her to lose Mordechai, and how does it play out with subsequent halachic cases? Rabbi Kahn looks at a number of halachic authorities and differing levels of infidelity.
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KY 553 A
The story of Purim is full of convoluted twists and turns we wouldn't take notice of unless seeking political intrigue. Rabbi Kirzner explains God's hidden hand in saving our nation from mass genocide. His message is to realize however that Hashem’s hidden and loving involvement is just as strong within your life as well.
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ON 553 B
There are two opposing thoughts to Jewish belief. The first denies mastery to any other power besides a human being. The second accepts a Divine presence but claims God is simply too colossal to get involved, and lets the world run itself by happenstance. Rabbi Orlowek's keen insight into Amalek will add to your grasp of Purim's message.
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ON 553 D
The original acceptance of Torah on Mt. Sinai was of vital importance. But part of the national consensus to accept it at the time was by opting-in through external pressure. The test of Purim brought us an even higher level of connection, one we embraced with total love in the face of terrible danger.
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TE 553 D
We live in a world that persistently convinces us that our survival depends on the power of our hands. This belief is diametrically opposed to Jewish thought, yet all agree how difficult the mask is to remove. Rabbi Tauber describes today's world as a mixture of Pharoah and Amalek, and how mimicking Esther & Mordechai will hasten the Mashiach’s arrival.
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WN 553 D
Esther's protest against Mordechai's suggested suicide mission was eminently logical. Listen to Rav Noah's understanding of the Purim story, and how Ta'anis Esther caps our blast-off into one bold path leading to Joy.
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YM 553
Just what is it about Adar that reveals so much about joy? Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi shows how Esther's incredible sacrifice in the king's palace mimicked all that Moshe gave up by leading the Jewish nation in the desert for forty years, and how their merit paves the way for our simple prayers to be mightily answered on that day.
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YM 555
Only the very naive think that life is meant to be a bed of roses. If so, can we be expected to find happiness with all the obstacles blocking our way to that highly desired state? Join Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi for a good laugh - and a good cry as she paints a picture of the turbulent voyage towards all that is truly good.
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