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BY 546 B
Really, what security is there in a Sukkah? For a week we're out of the house and more vulnerable to the elements. We sense the answer, but hear the forces at play that free us from worry and tension.

BY 546 C
Succos embodies our deepest calling for complete reliance on Hashem. Rav Berkovits shows how trust in Hashem also includes believing in ourselves. This fascinating class explains trust in God and how in the shade of your Succah can help you tap into a feeling pretty close to the taste of olam habah.

BY 720
Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits is a widely respected teacher with a unique ability to present a wide range of Jewish thought and practice in the most clear and understandable manner. The author of two books on shemiras haloshon (the practice of positive speech), Rav Berkowitz has taught and counseled thousands of students, from the novice to ordained Rabbis. Here, Rav Berkowitz gives an enlightening talk about Succos.

GA 720 A
This 2 part crash-course on Sukkot begins with an overview of the themes and goals of all the Jewish holidays, and how Sukkot is the climax of the year and pinnacle of our personal joy. Hear why each of the proscribed actions we do this holiday lead to elevated feelings of inner happiness and security.

KI 546 A
At the end of days all the nations will plead with Hashem to also test them. He will offer them the mitzvah of sitting in the Sukkah. Rabbi Kahn probes the core difference between Jewish and non-Jewish thinking, and why the Sukkah plays such a pivotal role in Jewish thought. Hear also a breathtaking insight into the Sukkah from the biblical story of Jacob and Esau.

KY 546
When the heart thirsts for refuge, there's no safer haven than inside the sukkah. That space under the natural roof and the stars is considered the most intimate way to consummate your bond between you and our Holy Protector on high.

WG 546 A
What power does Hoshana Raba have to finalize ones 'din' even more so than Yom Kippur? Rededicate the upcoming zeman of learning by realigning your mind to make every moment count.

WG 546 B
What are we really celebrating on Sukkos? What is the exalted status the 'clouds of glory' protected the Jewish nation with, and how did the water-drawing (dancing) ceremony express an amazing joy? Rabbi Wagensberg answers these and other questions about the holiday from a mystical slant.

WG 546 C
The world can be a lonely place. And even though we may sense God in the hurdles of life, there are times that He's just nowhere to be found. Rabbi Wagensberg explains the symbolism of the Sukkah and how it connects Hashem to the inner and outer parts of our lives.

WY 546 A
Living in God's presence, which is what the Succah is all about, is intended to alter the essence of who we are. How so? Rav Yaakov proves why focusing on all our blessings within the Succah experience will bring about a happiness that will necessarily be followed by a deeper connection to His Divine presence.