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Title Match: The Omer
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KI 528
Lag B'Omer was the day Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai emerged from a cave with his son. For 12 years they were hiding from the Roman authorities who searched for them more intensely than the US chased down Bin Laden. During these years he discovered the deepest secrets of Torah, which has became our holy Zohar.   A story to delight the soul.
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KJ 527
Indeed, these days of counting the sefirah are especially opportune for working on bein adam lechaveiro, relations between people. Rabbi Krohn explores what the period of ‘counting the Omer’ has to do with the tragedy of Rebbi Akiva's 2,400 students. Hear simple clear ways for relating better, even when your time is short.
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KL 527
Rabbi Kelemen's unique perspective on the Omer ties together the Temple service, the deaths of Rabbi Akiva's students and the experience of living in Eretz Yisrael. This important lesson is applicable all year round, leading us to recognize the three essential elements for being a truly observant Jew.
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ON 527
Pesach, followed by Counting the Omer leads us forward to accepting the Torah on Shavuos. Rabbi Orlowek explains the ascending journey towards building the complete individual. Also hear why we celebrate Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai's day of death so joyously.
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PS 528 A
Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai gave us deeper secrets of the Torah, before he passed away on Lag Ba’Omer. This wisdom points to Hashem’s oneness in Heaven and on Earth. Rav Pincus brings Lag B'Omer's esoteric message down to earth by showing how intimately involved Hashem is with even our most mundane actions.
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TE 527 D
The mitzvah of 'declaring the new month' is the essence of how the Torah brings us to change – by nudging us to form and mold creation. Rabbi Tauber looks at the korbanos offered during the Omer period and also on Shavuos to give us a glimpse of the greatness people can reach in a short time. Yet even these heights pale in comparison to reaching the final step of total unity.
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WN 527 B
24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva died during the 33 days between Pesach and Lag b'Omer. During this mourning period we attempt to correct the reason for their deaths. Hear the significance of their passing during the period of counting the Omer towards Kaballas HaTorah. Learn why honoring the Torah has more importance than just accepting it.
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ZY 527
How many can truly say that they're careful about keeping track of their time? Rabbi Zweig finds textual clues that make sharp distinctions between how one passes their time - or utilizes their time. Hear how to wisely punch in your eternal time card - one day at a time.
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