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Title Match: Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan
Zweig, Rabbi Yochanan on  aishAudio
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ZY 002
The Ark which saved NoahÂ’s life has an interesting connection to the dynamics of a beit kenesset. Rabbi Zweig describes how a shul forges a spiritual bond between us, God, and our fellow man, and how this bond saved the generations after the flood and how it can save us as well.
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ZY 006
Esav made a number of really bad decisions: among them murder, idolatry, and possibly illicit relations. If so, why does the Torah even bother harping on his rejection of the bechora? Using clues based on Esav's age at the time he made those choices, Rabbi Zweig breaks down the essential difference between acting from impulse or peer pressure, to making judgement calls based on true values. Hear why we are defined by the latter.
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ZY 011
Yosef's command to his brothers not to talk Torah on the way back home is puzzling. What was he so concerned about? An excellent class exploring the deeper motives that direct our actions, many times without our realizing them - even when we're sure our actions are beyond reproach.
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ZY 022
Moshe rejected the mirrors the Jewish women wanted to donate to the Mishkan, but God reversed this decision. Rabbi ZweigÂ’s sharp look at the episode shows the frightening effects environment and psychological torment can have on even the most entrenched aspects of a person's nature. A practical lesson culled from this story is how to strengthen your identity before entering the strong influences of the workplace.
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ZY 029

There is tremendous debate among philosophers and psychologists as to what a person's most basic need is. Is it the need to feel you exist, or the need for pleasure? Our hedonistic society seems to prove that our physical drives are the more important, but strangely enough, no matter how many of them we satisfy, soon after we begin hunting for more. How does the TorahÂ’s commandment of VÂ’chai bahem 'to live through them' teach us about our true cravings, and more, how to quench them?

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ZY 042
How did Moshe manage to stay happy knowing that after the war with the Midianites he would finish his stay on earth? Conversely, the rest of the Jewish people were terribly depressed on hearing this news, and had to force themselves to go and fight regardless. Rabbi Zweig explains how two people can be faced with the very same life situation, and that one is able to remain happy while the other is totally distraught. Hear the core distinction between the two.
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ZY 334
What are the main differences between a mother and a father’s effect on their progeny? Rabbi Zweig delves into the life and background of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Chananya, who had the supreme capacity to understand human nature. Hear how he explains a mother's unique opportunity to develop a child’s ability to connect with people around him.

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ZY 410
Underneath it all, why do some people have such a hard time living up to their responsibilities? Rabbi Zweig takes a close look at the means we use to overcome laziness, such as deadlines which prod us into taking action. What would our lives look like if we weren't so influenced by all the voices around us? A fascinating class.
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ZY 505
The Jewish Nation won a major war simply on the merit of saying the daily Shema prayer. What powers do these few simple words possess? Rabbi Zweig explains how Shema Yisrael generates a massive inner strength. Hear how it helped the Holocaust generation survive, giving so many of them the strength to rebuild their shattered world.
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ZY 525

Rabbi Zweig identifies the two methods of speech we use on the Seder night – one a soft language of storytelling, and one that is harsh and demanding. Don’t the two contradict? Pesach night can be a time of glorious memories of freedom, but the night can’t stop there. How do we direct it toward the future?

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