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Do you feel overwhelmed at times? You are not alone. We all feel this way, especially after a long and dark period of exile, which we are still struggling with. Would you like to know the secret of survival? Would you also like to know a mystical way of keeping ourselves healthy? Are you interested in finding out more about how to raise your children? Then double-click on this class as Rabbi Wagensberg illuminates a kabbalistic dimension that will resolve these concerns.

At the end of the day, why do we keep repeating the same mistakes over and over and over again? Isn't there a formula to help us correct the path that we want to go on? Of course there is! Just click here and listen to how Rabbi Wagensberg shares with us a masterful perspective, which will literally change your life.

Based on technological, scientific research we now know that the solar system is by far much more complex than meets the eye. What escapes high-tech instrumentation however, is a whole other dimension, which is amazingly interconnected. In this lecture, Rabbi Wagensberg will send us into orbit, as we climb aboard the Kabbalistic Rocket, which will take us to places,and seek out realms which few men have boldly gone before.

Have you ever been put in a position where your integrity was put to the test? If you would only divulge private information about a coworker, you would be able to hold on to your job and even get a raise. What is the right course of action? In this talk, Rabbi Wagensberg teaches us about the iron will we need to maintain, in order to do the right thing.

Even people with hearts as hard as rocks will benefit from this class, as Rabbi Wagensberg explain that the callousness of a person is only external. On the other hand, internally, we have such a capacity for softness. The words in this talk will certainly melt away even the hardest of hearts.

One of the most comforting things in the world is the knowledge that we could never sever the knot, which binds us to The One we love most. Listen to this portion, as Rabbi Wagensberg shows us that this is the case regarding our relationship with G-d.