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Our thoughts have more of an effect on our lives and on the environment than we’ve ever known before. In this self-development genre of the new age movement, we all know that we can use our thoughts to create our reality. Judaism has known about this for thousands of years, through the study of the Kabbalah. Rabbi Wagensberg teaches us how we can literally build ourselves through our thoughts. Not only can we build ourselves, our families and our homes, but we can also build our planet and even heavenly spheres.

“I can’t do it! . . . I don’t have the strength. . . I feel so overwhelmed. . . I’m afraid.” Rabbi Wagensberg will show how throughout life’s journeys, we are all being called upon by G-d to accomplish certain tasks. You are guaranteed to walk away from this talk with a feeling of self-confidence, as well as the knowledge that the Holy One has so much faith in us.

Rabbi Wagensberg explains and brings a variety of ideas, such as the meaning behind the number eight, circumcision, and the messianic era. This class will definitely unlock the gates of your minds and hearts.

Did you ever wonder why two people in love are called "lovebirds", as opposed to "lovedogs"? In this compelling talk, Rabbi Wagensberg will teach us that when we try to accomplish anything for ourselves, we must never forget about the next fellow. Hear how this is connected with birds and the spiritual leprosy of a metzora.

Do you suffer from irritating people, who seem to never leave you alone? Do you feel like a victim of painful circumstances? Are you struggling with inner turmoil and drives that attempt to rip you asunder? Rabbi Wagensberg will show that if we do feel this way, then it’s the greatest sign that we have such a special spark of holiness inside, with so much potential and that we are so precious to G-d.

Are you thinking of moving? Before settling on a home it would be well advised to listen to this talk and hear what Rabbi Wagensberg suggests you to do before making any final decisions. This will have an impact on you and your family for many generations to come.

We are asked to set aside a portion of our dough for G-d. Join Rabbi Wagensberg as he uncovers the deeper meaning of bread and the two main desires that pull at the heart of man. What is the Divine expectation of us as humans in a physical world, and how does this understanding of living with Hashem in all aspects of our lives have to do with why the Jews had to wander in the desert for seventy years after rejecting the Land of Israel?

Korach’s accusations of Moshe may not have been as far from the truth as it may seem. Shocked? Listen in to Rabbi Wagensberg as he weaves an esoteric picture of souls that are destined for greatness and the counterforce of evil that enters the world along with them. Korach’s own character flaws caused him to confuse Moshe with the great leader’s opposite, and wound up destroying him in the process.

Moshe’s attempt to provide his nation with water by hitting the rock as opposed to speaking it seems minute in the span of sins possible to commit. Rabbi Wagensberg describes Moshe’s extreme desire for humility that expressed itself in the usage of the staff he carried. Learn about the Divine message of faith and sweetness that was meant to be conveyed by using mouth over force, and the ramifications of Moshe’s mistake.