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BA 550
The Jewish war against the Greeks was the first fight that was fought not for our lives, but for our religion. What made the Greek ideology of beauty so threatening to us? Rabbi Berger shows how close that Greek ideology compares to our science and technology and which our society practically worships.

HG 550
Rabbi Gogek skillfully probes our need to give 'thanks and praise' during the eight days of Chanukah. He traces this inner need back to the powerful characters of Yehudah and Yosef. Hear about the unique growth opportunity afforded by the merging of these massive historical characters.

JO 550 A
Mrs. Juravel takes us back to the first Jewish Menorah experience, when Hashem gave Aharon HaCohen the super special privilege of lighting the Menorah in the Temple. Hear how your lighting the Chanukiah is a direct extension of Aharon's lighting.

LZ 550 A
The huge miracles that God performed against the Greek Empire were barely mentioned, but a little 'cruz of oil that burned for eight days' became the top miracle of Chanukah. Rabbi Leff relates an insidious virus of Greek origin that continues to threaten our day to day existence, and why this tiny miracle is by far our best reminder.

ON 550 A
The Rabbis learn that adding extra light to the candles of Shabbos brings about less stumbling and less family quarrels. So why are we forbidden to use the Chanukah light for any physical benefit? Hear the contrasts and comparisons between the physical and spiritual light that illuminates Shabbos and Chanukah.

ON 550 C
Chanukah is the first instance the Jewish nation came under attack for pursuing ultimate truth. Avoiding opportunities that lead to change creates a pattern where openings for return are progressively lessened. The avodah of Chanukah, as Rabbi Orlowek explains, is learning to grab onto valuable opportunities of reflection that come into your life.

SM 550 E
Chanukah is the time of miracles. The question Rabbi Stern poses is why don't we see supernatural events occurring in the world today? He describes how we are in fact surrounded by the miraculous, and explains how learning Torah opens ones eyes to witness miracles as they unfold.

WO 550
In preparation for Chanukah, Rabbi Weisz makes a comparative analysis between Greek wisdom and Torah wisdom. He delves into the ongoing battle between the two, and how the pervasive darkness of Greek philosophy in today's world can be isolated within our being. Put your thinking on cap for this one.

ZM 550
Ancient Greece represented darkness in the world, while Torah was the light to dispel it. But practically, how does this translate today? Rabbi Zeldman contrasts how the Greek culture of today draws our attention to the external shells of greatness, and how the Torah can help to focus your attention on the precious light within.

ZY 550
Why are there so many unusual halachos to ensure that fellow Jews 'see' the dancing flames of our menorah? And why did the Greeks only pinpoint certain mitzvos to abolish, like for instance Rosh Chodesh? Hear a new twist about the fierce battle being fought today to preserve our Jewish sense of unity and community.