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Title Match: halacha
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BY 302 A

In this classic series Rav Berkovits reads out the Shulchan Aruch and Rama and traces the topic back to its original sources in the Gemora and Rishonim. He then, with crystal clarity, brings the principle(s) forward to explain how the later Acharonim, the Mishna Brura and modern day poskim apply it to the current generation.

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BY 302 B

In this classic series Rav Berkovits reads out the Shulchan Aruch and Rama and traces the topic back to its original sources in the Gemora and Rishonim. He then, with crystal clarity, brings the principle(s) forward to explain how the later Acharonim, the Mishna Brura and modern day poskim apply it to the current generation.

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BY 308 V

In this classic series Rav Berkovits reads out the Shulchan Aruch and Rama and traces the topic back to its original sources in the Gemora and Rishonim. He then, with crystal clarity, brings the principle(s) forward to explain how the later Acharonim, the Mishna Brura and modern day poskim apply it to the current generation.

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BY 308 W

In this classic series Rav Berkovits reads out the Shulchan Aruch and Rama and traces the topic back to its original sources in the Gemora and Rishonim. He then, with crystal clarity, brings the principle(s) forward to explain how the later Acharonim, the Mishna Brura and modern day poskim apply it to the current generation.

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BY 308 X

In this classic series Rav Berkovits reads out the Shulchan Aruch and Rama and traces the topic back to its original sources in the Gemora and Rishonim. He then, with crystal clarity, brings the principle(s) forward to explain how the later Acharonim, the Mishna Brura and modern day poskim apply it to the current generation.

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BY 308 Y

In this classic series Rav Berkovits reads out the Shulchan Aruch and Rama and traces the topic back to its original sources in the Gemora and Rishonim. He then, with crystal clarity, brings the principle(s) forward to explain how the later Acharonim, the Mishna Brura and modern day poskim apply it to the current generation.

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BY 311 A

In this classic series Rav Berkovits reads out the Shulchan Aruch and Rama and traces the topic back to its original sources in the Gemora and Rishonim. He then, with crystal clarity, brings the principle(s) forward to explain how the later Acharonim, the Mishna Brura and modern day poskim apply it to the current generation.

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BY 311 B

In this classic series Rav Berkovits reads out the Shulchan Aruch and Rama and traces the topic back to its original sources in the Gemora and Rishonim. He then, with crystal clarity, brings the principle(s) forward to explain how the later Acharonim, the Mishna Brura and modern day poskim apply it to the current generation.

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LH 511 F
Candlelight might be acceptable light for eating dinner but am I also permitted to read by this light? Hear additional insight on how our hachamim decided these Halachot and where they apply to modern day circumstances. In his finale to this series, Rabbi Levy shares some fascinating insights about Shabbat from Rabbi Chaim Phalagi.
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WY 892 A
When the Palestinians offer us one kidnapped Israeli soldier in exchange for our releasing 200 of their condemned terrorists, the pill is very hard to swallow. How could we ever agree to sit at a bargaining table with such injustice? And why are they so brazenly sure we will accept such perverted demands? Hear how a Torah giant would respond - not only to make the best of the situation, but also to keep peace within one's conscience.
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