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BY 755
Halacha is complicated enough even without dealing with all the ‘shittos.’ How can we know which, or whom to follow? Should we just be machmir for every opinion, or is there a sliding scale of when to observe certain chumros? Rav Berkovits, himself a renowned posek, clarifies this confusing, charged, and very essential subject.

KI 554 B
Once Esther entered Achashverosh's chambers to plead for her people, her marriage to that evil man was irrevocable. How did this righteous queen's precedent cause her to lose Mordechai, and how does it play out with subsequent halachic cases? Rabbi Kahn looks at a number of halachic authorities and differing levels of infidelity.

KI 601
Does it make you uncomfortable when you hear about the many arguments Jewish scholars have? Isn't it reasonable to think that if they all agree there is one absolute truth, what could they possibly disagree so intensely about? Rabbi Kahn explores this and other controversial questions to show us the dynamic Jewish process for reaching truth. A great talk.

KY 400 B
God's commandments to us are designed for getting us in touch with the spiritual world. If so, wouldn't we do better to connect to God by transcending physicality by way of meditation and meaningful thought, and skip all the do's and don'ts that mitzvot entail? Rabbi Kirzner explains how purposeful action makes a definitive difference for bringing God into your life.

LD 844
What should our response be when Jews break the law? Dr. Luchins discusses why religious Jews in the USA are under a far greater scrutiny than the average citizen. Hear the fine line of supporting someone accused of a crime, yet rejecting the action itself.

LH 501 A
Ever wonder why observant Jews are always washing their hands? Rabbi Levy shares with us the Ben Ish Hai's significant insights regarding the mystifying powers of water and purity.

PS 528 A
Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai gave us deeper secrets of the Torah, before he passed away on Lag Ba’Omer. This wisdom points to Hashem’s oneness in Heaven and on Earth. Rav Pincus brings Lag B'Omer's esoteric message down to earth by showing how intimately involved Hashem is with even our most mundane actions.

SM 667
Refraining from stealing is oftentimes one item not on our moral to-do list. Rav Moshe Aaron encourages us to take a closer look at those times we 'reduce' our friend's belongings by casually 'borrowing' them in a friendly spirit.

WY 240
Is it better to learn halacha or to focus on hashkafa and machshava? Rav Yaakov Weinberg posits that such a separation is simply a mistaken understanding. He illustrates the right balance a number of ways, and proves that by understanding the underpinnings of halacha brings us into spectacular world of machshava.

WY 901 A
One of the great complaints in Judaism is its nit-picking attention to detail. Wouldn't Judaism be more accepted if it was known as the religion of love rather than the religion of law? So why all its obsession with picayune details? Rav Yaakov brings a remarkable analysis of 'accomplishment' to prove his point. Learn how true greatness depends on every element being exactly in its place, and how character development, the hallmark of Judaism, will shine best with careful attention to minutiae.