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BY 540 A

After 40 years of miracles the Jews knew without a doubt who ran the world. But Moshe told them just as they were about to enter the Land of Israel that they were blind, deaf, and without understanding. Rav Berkovits explains that it is easy to see, hear, and understand God while He is spoonfeeding us miracles, but the real challenge is to see God in our day-to-day lives, which is the central focus of preparation for Rosh Hashanah.

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BY 540 B


The month of Elul is the most natural period for introspection. However, this time around, no more rehashing what we tried changing last year and the year before. Rav Berkovits focuses on the topic of 'wishful thinking patterns' that trigger our inner motivational ability.


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BY 540 D
The month preceding the High Holy Days is the month of Elul, the most auspicious time for introspection and change. Rav Berkovits takes a closer look at our underlying 'wishful thinking patterns' that many use as their source of motivation - yet from past experience were not strong enough to generate enough steam to make lasting changes.
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BY 540 E

The special energy imbedded within the month of Elul is meant to be a launching pad for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Hear an in-depth step by step approach on taking stock of the year behind us, and on jump-starting the teshuva process to create a new page for the year to come.

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BY 540 F
The special energy that ushers in the Jewish month of Elul is the optimum time of year to take stock of how you can improve yourself for the upcoming year. Rav Yitzchak Berkovits gives a step by step process for serious people who want to jump-start their teshuvah at the beginning of the term, so to speak.
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BY 540 G

Oftentimes our plans for greatness seem to boomerang. What is G-d telling us when our growth seems to backfire? Rav Berkovits teaches us how to deal with the mundane, as well as giving straightforward guidance on how to chart a map for acheiving a turnaround in areas we often stumble in.

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BY 540 H

What does it mean that G-d remembers human actions? Rabbi Berkovits looks at what humans effect with what they do. Life is not about action, it’s about doing your best. Think that’s too pat? Look at Avraham’s quest for truth, overcoming the societal pressure for success that was obscuring it. We must use our intellect and our judgment to bring us to make the correct decisions. 

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BY 540 I

There's a special energy in the Jewish month of Elul which we can tap into to improve ourselves and start the year anew. Hear this intensive series by Rav Berkovits that will jump-start your teshuvah and help you to get on the right track!

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BY 540 J

There's a special energy in the Jewish month of Elul which we can tap into to improve ourselves and start the year anew. Hear this intensive series by Rav Berkovits that will jump-start your teshuvah and help you to get on the right track!

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BY 540 K

There's a special energy in the Jewish month of Elul which we can tap into to improve ourselves and start the year anew. Hear this intensive series by Rav Berkovits that will jump-start your teshuvah and help you to get on the right track!

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BY 540 L

There's a special energy in the Jewish month of Elul which we can tap into to improve ourselves and start the year anew. Hear this intensive series by Rav Berkovits that will jump-start your teshuvah and help you to get on the right track!

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BY 540 M

There's a special energy in the Jewish month of Elul which we can tap into to improve ourselves and start the year anew. Hear this intensive series by Rav Berkovits that will jump-start your teshuvah and help you to get on the right track!

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BY 540 N

There's a special energy in the Jewish month of Elul which we can tap into to improve ourselves and start the year anew. Hear this intensive series by Rav Berkovits that will jump-start your teshuvah and help you to get on the right track!

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BY 541 A
Many people overlook the fact that teshuva is more than just correcting your past mistakes by saying ‘sorry.’ True teshuva implies changing who you are, and becoming who you want to be. Rav Berkovits, also an expert life coach, guides you through the tefillos (prayer) and avoda (service) of Rosh Hashanah. An experience you can take along to shul.
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BY 541 B
Is Rosh Hashanah just a pleasant holiday for getting together and reminiscing over good times - or is there more substance to it that can make a big difference in the quality of your life? Hear how and why the formulating of attainable goals beforehand can make this coming year your best yet.
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BY 541 C

As Rosh Hashanah approaches, two choices needing to be made are the kind of person you want to be, whether passive or active, and whether you want to make Hashem your king or not. Rav Berkovits describes a human beings natural state of laziness and the tendency to accept things the way they are. Hear how to override lethargy and crown Hashem as your forgiving loving King.

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BY 542 A
At the moment that I make a mistake, what chance is there to really comprehend its import or consequences? Another obstacle, especially for feeling regret, is how strongly do I believe that the proscribed process of repentance can somehow turn back the clock to obliterate the deed? This important talk goes to the core of Rosh Hashana, and indeed opens a door to believe how possible it is to change your essence and your behavior.
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BY 542 C
What part does viduy play within the Yom Kippur prayers? How much do we need to confess to fulfill the mitzvah - perhaps one word is enough. In explaining the text, Rabbi Berkovits brings viduy down to earth.
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BY 543 B
During the ten days of repentance there is a special mitzvah of tefillah - talking to Hashem whenever you can, about anything you need. This is coupled with teshuvah, changing out direction in life, and leaving the wrong we have done behind. But how can we change ourselves down to the depths of our gut instincts, and natural sense of enjoyment?
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BY 544 B

Teshuva during the day of Yom Kippur creates a special magic that is not available any other time. Rav Berkovits explains how to prepare for this once-a-year opportunity that sheds a lot of light on your current situation.

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BY 544 C
Yom Kippur is not about reliving tragic events that happened ages ago. The task on this day is to invigorate the life-giving forces that help to improve the human condition. Tap into the pure uplifting energy that these holy days are able to provide.
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BY 637

For many wives, the experience of 10 Days of Awe consists of cooking, kids and keeping house. In this two part class Rav Berkovits firstly explains how a responsible husband, particularly during the month of Elul, can encourage his wife to grow, and in what ways he can help lessen her burden. In the second part hear practical ways he can share his daily acquired knowledge with her - especially during the first year of marriage. Learn the art of sharing life messages with the one you love the most.

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BY 718 A
If the day of Rosh Hashanah is the birthday of the human race, why is it that only Jews commemorate it? And if God created the world as His way of giving, what should be our response to earn this eternal gift of life? And isn't it a bit strange to celebrate at the same time that you are facing judgement?
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FE 544

We would expect the day before Yom Kippur to be a solemn day of planning one's introspection. Yet the commandment of the day is to EAT! Rabbi Feiner explains how engaging the physical can help to enter the spiritual. He also explores deeper insights into the numbers seven, eight, nine, and ten. Captivating as always.

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GA 718
What is it about the month of Elul that leads our minds and hearts straight into Rosh Hashanah? Rabbi Geller's crash course on cultivating awareness, honesty and introspection is a smart way to get a head start on the upcoming year. A yearly classic for beginners.
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HT 540 F
Rosh Hashana is a momentous holy day packed with meaning. Rebbetzin Heller explains the significance of teshuva and what we should ask Hashem to help us change. She also explores how to relate to the sounds of the Shofar and the three main sections of prayer: Malchios, Zichronos, and Shofros.
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HT 544

Teshuva is the process of unraveling baked-in mistakes. Rebbetzin Heller helps us break through negative patterns that prevent us from shedding excess baggage, and how to best maneuver past obstacles that hinder us from successfully transforming our lives.

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HT 544 C


How do our deeds define us? A person's soul is endlessly luminous. But as we grow, we wrap curtains of deeds around ourselves that mute or totally dim the power of our glow. And of course, the more a sin becomes engrained, the harder it becomes to uproot. Burnish your soul's dullness back to its original luster by understanding the seder of the Yom Kippur Service.


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JO 540 A
God is intimately more approachable during the month of Elul. Mrs. Juravel explains the three primary traits for developing a successful relationship - and how it applies to our spiritual connection with God. Discover your inner greatness by learning to connect to another - or an Other.
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JO 540 B
We generally spend a fair chunk of our lives taking step by painstaking step to inch our way up the spiritual ladder. Mrs. Juravel looks at a flip side opportunity that can sometimes jump us up a few levels in a moment. Hear the Torah of this phenomenon, and what ignites it.
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JO 540 C
Sincere teshuva works even if we're confused or feel far away. During the course of Rosh Hashanah, we hear how a few of our greatest spiritual personalities were tested by growth. Mrs. Juravel looks at four blocks we face when approaching the idea of change. Avraham and Sarah and Dovid Hamelech show us a few ways.
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JO 540 D
A cursory reading of the Torah can be intensely confusing. Here’s a different model for understanding the contradictions in the Torah, and within all of mankind. An impressive class that explores the simultaneous existence of both light and darkness in the soul of man, and how this understanding can bring us to a truly meaningful vidui.
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JO 540 E
How do we approach Rosh Hashanah when the preceding year was one fraught with difficulty, despite the prayers we put forth? Mrs. Juravel is ever in touch and practical as she tackles our emotional blocks, exploring how to change our view of what blessing is, and how to own up to our painful failures.
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KI 051 B
How does one know if a ‘friend’ has done Teshuva? One element of true repentance is to see a person stumbling over and over in a certain way, and now acts differently when faced with the same test. Rabbi Kahn shares a fascinating viewpoint on the end of days, and how the times we live in are a final test to see how we’ve progressed.
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KI 540 A
This beautiful class by Rabbi Kahn explores our role in coronating Hashem as our King on Rosh Hashana. Hear the amazing gifts our loving Creator bestows upon us in return.
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KI 544 A

Is there a time when the holiday of Rosh Hashanah ends and Yom Kippur begins? Why do the Ten Days of Repentance take place in the gap between the solar and lunar cycles? What symbolism do the sun and moon have and how do they interact with one another? Rabbi Kahn describes the mystical moments of twilight that harken us back to the point of creation - giving us regenerative powers despite rules of nature to the contrary.

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KI 937 C
What does it take to get up from a fall? Many of us dread even the thought of it. God however, took this into account by creating the antidote of 'teshuva' before He completed creation. Using Rabbi Elazar ben Dudai's amazing Talmudic story of his encounter with a woman of ill repute, Rabbi Kahn shows how the subsequent necessary emotions he went through brought him to complete teshuva - on the spot.
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KJ 542
Everyone can change, but one’s progress depends on having a willingness. Can we who grew up 'frum from birth' also take a few unchartered steps like the ba'alei teshuvah do? Rabbi Krohn coaches us in taking on small kabbalos for the New Year - one’s we can be sure to accomplish and will become permanent.
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KL 540

Rosh Hashana is the pivotal day of reckoning. It is also the time for new beginnings and for developing closer ties. For a stronger sense of closeness, both love and fear must be in sync. Rabbi Kelemen explains how to line them up for greater harmony.

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KL 544 A
Ever wonder what’s behind the mitzvah of having a festive meal before Yom Kippur? Why are we being told to focus our attention on the physical just before entering the holiest spiritual day of the year? Rabbi Kelemen fills us in with what’s really being served at this meal before we enter this holy day.
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KL 544 B
Even with a tiny bit of complete teshuva, God will deem that you have succeeded on Yom Kippur. So how come we find ourselves working on similar resolutions year after year? Perhaps you really didn't do teshuva! Real, permanent change is easier than you think. A must listen.
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KV 937

Why was man created and what is man's job in this world? What follows is how do we find a sense of happiness and pleasure in life? Rebbetzin Kalmanovitz answers these questions and touches along the way other essential topics such as the Yetzer Hara, Ahavas Hashem and Teshuvah.


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KY 540 B
Is the culmination our repentance to merit a sweeter and blessed new year? For many, Elul is more realistically a fearful time to prepare for Rosh Hashanah. Rabbi Kirzner’s inspirational message is that teshuvah is the chance to germinate a new relationship, and to respond to the dormant greatness within. Such an attitude can create a powerful thrust for utilizing this amazing period.
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KY 541
We believe that Creation began six days before the first Rosh Hashanah. So why do we consider the 6th day to be the birthday of the world? We learn that the ultimate creation came into being on that day - Man. Rabbi Kirzner explores just what is it that we're really celebrating.
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KY 541 D
Rabbi Kirzner renews our sense of spirituality by guiding us to reestablish our link to the Jewish network. What exactly does this mean? He explains how this complex network connects one Jew to another, to form a greater whole. How will your effort to reunify help your overall success on Rosh Hashanah?
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KY 541 F

If repentance is the way to earn a fresh start, why on Rosh Hashanah, which avoids two of the three aspects of the teshuvah process, are we confident that we can attain a total self-renewal? On the first day of every New Year God recreates the universe anew. We are given a similar power to create a new slate for ourselves as well. 

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LA 943 A
Rabbi Lopiansky addresses two important issues regarding Rosh Hashanah: customs in general, and how each pertains to Rosh Hashanah. Hear a detailed progression of the davening and its significance at each stage. He also gives an interesting explanation of the 'simanim' we all do after the evening Kiddush.
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LA 943 B

Rabbi Lopiansky addresses two important issues regarding Rosh Hashanah: customs in general, and how each pertains to Rosh Hashanah. Hear a detailed progression of the davening and its significance at each stage. He also gives an interesting explanation of the 'simanim' we all do after the evening Kiddush.

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LZ 540 C

 It’s that time of year again when we take stock not only of the year that passed, but of life itself. Rabbi Zev Leff examines what LIFE consists of on its varied levels, and the significance of every action we perform.




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LZ 540 E
People often bandy about the idea of repentance, but how is it practically done? Rabbi Leff gives an in-depth analysis exploring the phenomenal gift of teshuva that reverses ones spiritual damage that should have been beyond repair. He focuses on the three step process for returning to God, with a deeper explaination of what each stage is meant to accomplish.
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LZ 542 B

Standing before God on Rosh Hashanah makes a powerful statement of intention. The divisions in the Machzor represent our connection to God, evaluating our worth and the impact of our actions. Rav Leff gives a moving reminder of God’s importance to you, and your significance to Him.

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LZ 544

Rabbi Leff focuses on the ultimate purpose of viduy during Yom Kippur. How does viduy crack through layers of falsehood to enter the hidden areas of your soul? An inspiring and valuable shiur.

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MC 541
In order to be judged favorably on Yom HaDin, first understand how the Heavenly Court judges cases in general, and also in particular. Rabbi Morgenstern reviews the clear instructions that Chazal gave us to receive a favorable judgment on this day.
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MN 540

On Rosh Hashana we refrain from expressing our joy through Hallel because our judgment may not turn out so favorably. And yet, don't the Rabbis say we should be positive on Rosh Hashana since Hashem tears up His harsh decrees against us? Rebbetzin Karlinsky sorts out this contradiction, and explains why it leads to personal greatness and Klal Yisrael's eternal existence.

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MN 544
The famous question asked is: if all our merits and mistakes of the past year were equal, why not just do one extra mitzvah to tip the scale, alleviating the need for repentance altogether? An excellent class explaining the strength that teshuva has in and of itself to grant forgiveness.
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MN 941
How do we understand that from just saying certain verses Hashem will give us a year of blessing? Join Rebbetzin Karlinsky as she examines the tefillos we say and the teshuva hidden within them. Learn why the power of the Akeidah was implanted deep within us, and what we are being judged for on the first and second days of Rosh Hashana.
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NY 540 C
Scores of barriers spring up to block our access to greater inner spirituality. Rebbetzin Neustadt shows us ways to reach through our gross physicality by beginning to identify with our neshamah's voice. Just by understanding the incredible strength your soul possesses can become a strong ally in your efforts to reach within.
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ON 540

Mastering the major and minor transitions in our life is a goal worth pursuing. Rabbi Orlowek describes one such important transition we make every year on leaving the month of Av into the month Elul, and how to move from our past and present into the future more naturally.

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ON 541 A
Preparing for Rosh Hashanah depends not only on your Elul, but also on your Torah learning. Rabbi Orlowek explains the four things needed for success in Torah. Hear the Gemara's story and message on why the walls of Rabbi Elazar's beis medrash began falling over on his command.
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ON 541 B


Contrary to the universal myth about money, there is something even greater that 'makes the world go round' - which is 'the fire of desire.' Pure ratzon is the crux of free choice and the driving force behind success. Rabbi Orlowek plots the course people should be aiming for the coming year. He examines the key points of the Rosh Hashana tefillah.


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ON 541 E

In this class, Rabbi Orlowek describes himself as a messenger boy bringing pearls of wisdom from both the exalted rabbis of the past and the great rabbis in the present. Within a structure of motivation, implementation and measuring goals, he shares inspiration, stories and practical advice for accepting more responsibility to change something this Rosh Hashanah.

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ON 541 F
The two most crucial points to prepare for Rosh Hashanah are first to recognize what your top virtues are, and secondly, to realize how really important you are in this world. Learn how to zero in on your potential and self worth in order to appreciate exactly what your goals are for the big day.
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ON 541 H

How is it possible to fear Hashem and at the same time feel His chesed, love and compassion? Rabbi Orlowek unravels how this contrary dynamic works by comparing it to the parent-child relationship. Uniting these two seemingly opposite emotions is a time honored formula for making God our King on Rosh Hashanah.

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ON 541 I
Rabbi Orlowek explains how Rosh Hashanah, an intense day of awe and reverence, is also a day of simcha and chesed. The connection between Rosh Hashanah and chesed holds the secret to our preparation for success on this day.
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ON 543

If you've decided you need to change, the very first step is to know in which area, where to start and to what degree. With his uncanny understanding of human nature, Rabbi Orlowek paves the way for getting your direction clear - and to stay on track. Hear the vital first steps you need for regaining your confidence and your ability to change.

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ON 544 D
Year after year we make resolutions to become a better person, but usually end up with the same character flaws we’ve been carrying all those years. Why can't we get it right, or better, Rabbi Orlowek asks why does Hashem forgive us every year for the same transgressions we apologized for the year before? 
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ON 544 E
Moments of Divine Judgement are fearsome and make us wonder what the coming year has in store for us. Is it possible that during those moments we can be full of joy? Rabbi Orlowek clearly describes how closeness to God is all that counts, and how it can draw your desire for judgment in a ways that open new possibilities.
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PS 540 A
On approaching Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, how can we convince Hashem that we’re really deserving of His continued investment in us? Rabbi Pincus pinpoints the places in the machzor that were designed to help us recreate ourselves anew. Hear a key on reaching up to Hashem with sincerity and passion.
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PS 540 B
When events in the world seem out of control, sound advice is to reflect on self-improvement. Rav Pincus shows us a number of difficult periods our nation has struggled through, and the spiritual gains we earned, albeit through great pain. Hear what Hashem is asking of us now as our religious observance is on the upward swing.
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PZ 937 B
Do Torah laws take into account feelings of moral anxiety? Join Rabbi Pliskin's energetic search to resolve the obvious tension that takes place within the phenomenon of teshuva. Learn to deal with others who hurt you, and to perceive yourself as truly wanting to change.
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SM 540

Terrorism and sudden death are a wake-up call that should force us to ask "what's the message in it for me?" Rabbi Stern emphasizes how much Hashem wants our teshuva, and why at times He resorts to extreme measures to get our attention. When we sin, he explains how we are like broken keilim that cannot be repaired, yet during Elul the rules can be tipped in our favor.

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SM 543 B

Our Sages say "Search for Hashem When He is to be Found". But isn't God always findable when we look? In this thought-provoking talk on prayer and teshuvah, Rav Stern explains how to take a sharp look at your daily actions, and how to project their consequences on to the year ahead.


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SM 544 A

In this interesting talk, Rabbi Moshe Aaron Stern delves into the puzzling story of Yonah the prophet, and Nineveh, the non-Jewish city to which he was sent to demand their repentance. Yonah was in fact the only prophet ever who was sent to implore non-Jews to repent. How come? The Rabbi's inspired answer to the question can change the way you prepare for this year's Yom Kippur experience.

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SM 544 C
Rabbi Stern looks at all the extra time we'd have to learn if we were in fact aware of all these moments. Sharing inspirational stories of great men, and even ordinary men, who with just a few small ideas achieved greatness in learning far beyond their most optimistic expectations.
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TE 540 A
The sound of the shofar is soon to wail. Elul is the time to prepare your attitude and thoughts for the blasts we inwardly yearn to embrace. This invitation comes once a year. RSVP.
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TE 540 B

Of the Jewish year, the month of Elul stands as our major opportunity for change. Rabbi Tauber explains the process of clearing away the suffering of the past year, in order to be worthy to cry for a pure future, a future replete with love that signals a closeness with Hashem.

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TE 541 A
There is a fundamental difference between a king and a dictator – one is elected and desired, and the other takes power by force. Rabbi Tauber explores the wondrous autonomy He granted us for crowning Him over the physical world.
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TE 541 B

If each of us is a product of the Creator, how is it possible for a created being to be a creator in turn to set its own destiny? Come explore this interesting anomaly with Rabbi Tauber as he explains how the process works to recreate yourself on Rosh Hashanah.

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WB 540 A

Life is like a thoroughfare with countless bumps and detours that constantly throw us off course. Shouldn't our goal be to pull ourselves back on track? In a class leading up to Elul, Rabbi Wein applies this original metaphor to our own lives and to the Jewish people's need for ongoing relevance and meaning.


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WB 540 B
The Jewish month of Elul is a time for self-evaluation, but many people are unwilling to honestly face up to themselves so sadly 'they just won't get what it's all about.' What can a person do to undo such a self-inflicted blindness?



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WB 540 C

Every generation contends with its own challenges and must find its own solutions. But for Elul and Tishrei there is a one-size-fits-all solution: Teshuva. Rabbi Wein examines this tool against the backdrop of current events and Jewish history, and shows how the universal tools of teshuva, tefilla, and tzedaka can transform you forever.

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WB 540 D
It may seem like a strange comparison but from teachings of Torah, Gemara, and a few lessons he learned in life, Rabbi Wein shows how aptly this colorful analogy fits. Being Jewish may be serious business, but Rabbi Wein makes us laugh as he drives home this all-important point. Best of all, he wakes us up to the enormous potential within to accomplish good things amidst all the chaos of our world. 
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WD 541

With the Day of Judgment around the corner, Rebbetzin Denah Weinberg encourages us to look at where we’ve been, where we are now and where we want to go. Hear also how happiness fits into our day-to-day lives to maximize our ongoing growth and self-fulfillment.

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WG 051/52 C
Sure, we have base desires. And yes we like having control over our lives and actions, but which Achilles Heel trips us up time and time again? Hear a beautiful class on our exquisite nobility of soul, and how to view ourselves as the royalty we are - making sin feel a million miles away.
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WG 540 A
Yomim Noraim: A Heal in Olam Habah
Torah study connects all Yiddisheit to all souls. Learn what true return to God consists of and how each person exists eternally as a letter in the Sefer Torah. But do we also count, being commonly known as the 'Heal Generation'? This class spans Yom Kippur to Sukkos and the parsha of Bereishis - to convey a powerful lesson on the worth of every soul and the intrinsic strength of the Holy Torah.
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WG 541 A
That most powerful of days, Rosh Hashana, seems to be plagued with practices that seem less than dignified. What place does a seemingly childish act of dipping an apple in honey to symbolize having a sweet new year have at this time, and how does it connect to the ShofarÌÄåÄåÄÌÄåâÌâå¢s blow? Rabbi Wagnesberg delves into the layers of speech, and shows which kind of communication is most loving of all.
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WG 541 D

What is the unbelievable power of the shofar blast that makes it a central component of Rosh Hashanah? Follow Rabbi Wagensberg’s colorful trail as he explores how the shofar can break down so many walls that separate us from Hashem. By erecting a few barriers to evil by way of our thoughts, feelings and actions, we may find ourselves able to touch our deeper selves.

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WG 544 A

One's negative thoughts, speech, and actions have the unwanted result of adding layer upon layer of tumah upon our souls. By letting Yom Kippur help us activate the holy spark that fuels our neshama, we can loosen the sludge that has encrusted our heart. Rabbi Wagensberg helps us to reach back to that pristine state of purity we experienced as children in order to trigger the inner glow and vitality we all yearn for.

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WN 540 C
The letters of Elul stand for the love we have for God, and His reciprocal pouring back of Divine blessing. But what has He done for me lately? Rav Noah’s wit is sharp and to the point as he urges us to wake up to His presence, to His infinite abilities, and the plethora of blessings that we turn a blind eye to. Learn to notice the endless love flowing in our direction.
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WN 540 G
With Rosh Hashana only days away, it's a bit easier to get shaken into reality. What have we spent our time with until now? And what can we really do with the short time remaining? Rav Noach shares the bottom line for doing cheshbon hanefesh: to get a retrospective look at yourself, your life, and your year to come for starting out on the right foot.
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WN S 018
The word Elul is an acronym for 'I am for my beloved, and my beloved is for me.'Instead of using the word repentance to describe the word teshuvah, a better translation is the term 'to return.' The period before Rosh HaShanah is the most fitting time to evoke a deeper love for our Creator, in a way that allows the force of that warmth to permeate under our skin. 
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WO 541
While studying at the famed yeshivas of Chaim Berlin, Lakewood and the Mir in Jerusalem, Rabbi Noson Weisz also received a degree in Microbiology from the University of Toronto, an MA in Political Science at the New School for Social Research and his LLB from the University of Toronto. Rabbi Weisz is currently a senior lecturer at Yeshiva Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem and writes a weekly parsha page on In this talk, Rabbi Weisz discusses making Hashem king this Rosh Hashanah.
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WO 541 B
If there wasn't a mesorah (tradition) that Rosh Hashana is our day of judgement, we would never know it. Why isn't it more explicit in the Torah, and what specifically are we being judged for in the coming year? Rabbi Weisz explains how we should position ourselves to receive all the brachas that Hashem wants to give us on Rosh Hashana - the birthday of planet Earth.
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WO 541 D
When we examine the Rosh Hashanah Machzor the obvious themes that stand out are the malchiyos, zichronos, and shofros. Rabbi Weisz examines each in depth. What does it mean to coronate God as Melech? And how can we recall and reenact the faint echo of Adam HaRishon that expresses the place from where we wish to be judged?
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WO 543
While studying at the famed yeshivas of Chaim Berlin, Lakewood and the Mir in Jerusalem, Rabbi Noson Weisz also received a degree in Microbiology from the University of Toronto, an MA in Political Science at the New School for Social Research and his LLB from the University of Toronto. Rabbi Weisz is currently a senior lecturer at Yeshiva Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem and writes a weekly parsha page on In this talk, Rabbi Weisz discusses the process of forgiveness.
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WO 544 A
In order to reach a higher plateau this Yom Kippur, break out of the mindset that all in all, you are doing ok. Learn how you can increase your aspirations, and how to view your existence as your neshama does, preferring to keep striving higher rather than simply remaining where it's comfortable.
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WO 544 C

Yom Kippur is the quintessential day of repentance. The embarrassment that necessarily results in doing teshuvah clearly shows how incongruous our negative actions in light of our innate greatness. The focused time we spend in repentance is a vital element for connecting to God.

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WO 544 D
Teshuva is the work of the heart, and difficult work at that. Are we supposed to view ourselves as steeped in negativity, or should we anticipate being designated as tzaddikim in the end? Rabbi Weisz examines faulty mindsets that get in the way of feeling true regret.
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WO 545

The structure of the 13 midos of Rachamim is truly a wonder. However, it is not a carte blanch system of unconditional mercy that side steps judgement. It is more along the lines of an emergency application for times when the world should have been destroyed. Rabbi Noson Weisz explores the Derech Hashem's perception of how this system works.

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WY 266 A

The mitzvah of 'vidui' is the crux of teshuvah. But for it to work it needs be said in a way that is meaningful. So are we being asked to feel a certain way here? And where does asking others mechilah fit in? Join Rav Yaakov Weinberg as he crystallizes our vision to recognize that all mitzvos come from Hashem, and in what ways bein adam l'Makom mitzvos differ from bein adam l'adam.


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WY 266 B
What brings about the cleansing of the teshuvah process? Rav Yaakov’s careful analysis of the Rambam’s words brings to light the details that makes teshuvah more comprehensible and effective. Learn how Yom Kippur gives kaparah, and hear a fascinating discussion on intent vs. action with a Korban Chatas.
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WY 266 C
Rabbi Yaakov Weinberg adds new insight, and clarifies up to the middle of the 2nd perek of Rambam's Hilchos Teshuvah. An important Elul series on character correction.
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WY 266 D
Rabbi Yaakov Weinberg adds new insight, and clarifies up to the middle of the 2nd perek of Rambam's Hilchos Teshuvah. An important Elul series on character correction.
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WY 266 P

The Rambam seems to say that one who worships God from fear or from the desire to gain reward is not only mistaken, but may indeed be outright selfish. There are, however, contrary statements in the Torah that say otherwise. Rabbi Weinberg explores these opposing views to help us refine our Avodas Hashem.

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WY 266 Q

The Rambam seems to say that one who worships God from fear or from the desire to gain reward is not only mistaken, but may indeed be outright selfish. There are, however, contrary statements in the Torah that say otherwise. Rabbi Weinberg explores these opposing views to help us refine our Avodas Hashem.

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WY 266 R

The Rambam seems to say that one who worships God from fear or from the desire to gain reward is not only mistaken, but may indeed be outright selfish. There are, however, contrary statements in the Torah that say otherwise. Rabbi Weinberg explores these opposing views to help us refine our Avodas Hashem.

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WY 541 A
What two emotions should we feel during the shofar blast? Hear an in-depth look at atonement, repentance, and the steps needed to uproot past mistakes. Another oft-misunderstood concept is 'yirah' fear. And why it is so vitally important at this juncture to establish a deeper intimacy with God?
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WY 544
We all make mistakes, right? And many of us know how pointless it is to get caught up in any guilt trip. The sensible response appears to be: just move forward with a strong conviction to be a better person. So why are we steered to take an honest, regretful look at our past? Hear what teshuva is (without the guilt), and the reason why this formula works so well to move people into the new year with a fresh start.
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WY 937
Why is it that modern society has this fixation that all they undertake has to be exciting? Does just the thought of the laborious task of doing teshuva discourage you? Catch a few sparkling moments of genius from Rabbi Yaakov Weinberg - whose challenge to us for taking teshuva to heart may be the key for that important change in your life you've always been hoping for.
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ZS 544
Elul is over, Rosh Hashanah is behind us - and now we are approaching the last minutes before Yom Kippur, Do we have what to show for it? Mrs. Shira Smiles shares a few powerful insights on how to consciousness of Hashem's presence.
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